I'm assuming you're on the West Coast - most of us are Central so when you logged on last night and we were able to get you into a group it was already 12-1am for us and we had all been playing since about 6pm. Most of us had work or children to be up with in the morning.
As far as your Marksman is concerned, we will work with you. I'd strongly suggest using this thread:
and then heading to the xboxlive.com website and adding people via that. There's a lot of people to add. If you do this then you'll have a better shot at catching a full time member online to help you with your Marksman.
With that said, if you're unable to a hold of someone I would suggest downloading the application KIK or Hourglass and sending me a message. I'll login XBL and find someone to pick you up. Your Marksman as well as yours S1ck are absolute priority for us.
If you guys are having a hard time finding a group then let me know and I'll do what I can to get you guys situated.