You have been working really hard and you are getting better. Keep it up. Dont worry about the extension we can take care of that. I kow your busting your ass to get your marksman.
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as long as your trying and showing that you want to be apart of this family then we can make a exception and work harder to help you get where oyu need to be
I agree. It was a big help to have you guys all contribute. Members and recruits alike.
Would like to say a huge thankyou to QU33N, Rocky, RE4PER, Joe and Duck without you guys at one point or another i wouldnt of gotten through my marksman or sharpshooter, so thankyou. Really enjoying CAG and the people who are a part of it, would also like to thank Huxley i know you cant confirm my games or anything but you are always on and always a laugh so cheers guys.
I would like to thank alpha company full members for giving me the chance to prove myself and thank you for helping me improve my gameplay and style so im more run than sit back and watch the game go by once again thank you alpha compnay