It's taking place tomorrow with a bunch if guys we played today, it's a last minute thing as all other clans have backed out.
As angel said they are called Savage Beasts and they live up to their clan name.
Whiskey company XO
1st Lieutenant (Officer)
Good luck guys kick some ass CAG style
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Hell yea I'm good what mode are we playing
Battlefield brigade
-CAG pisspawz
-American Battalion commander
K man if nothing crops up for me then if u need me il be there.i would maybe suggest getting on a bit earlier to work what way your running squads,parties etc etc
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An Jaysus boys I'd love to be there But working to 12.30gmt then hAnging out with the GF
sent from phone, excuse the spelling.
BF4 Scrimmage
Okay guys so here's the game plan.
It will be 8v8 and on rush. (Have not arranged maps will do tomorrow)
The official start time is 10:00pm GMT - 5pm EST.
We will be jumping on 1 hour earlier as john stated to get our shit together. We need to treat this as if it was a tournament game.
If we all work together and listen we will win, I must warn that if not doing so, will result in being removed from the COMP team.
This is serious stuff, no point going competitive and taking the piss about it.
The competition :-
These guys don't play around a couple of us played with them today, they stuck together and won every match we played against them, and we need to be doing the same.
I'll see you guys tomorrow, and let's fuck shit up.
9:00pm GMT - 04:00pm EST
Whiskey company XO
1st Lieutenant (Officer)