Ill tease ya with em bro I am home now
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Ill tease ya with em bro I am home now
Yes, the weapon challenges. I'm pretty sure they were there all along, and giving you squad points, but now you can clearly see them.
And perhaps have opened up all challenges to be achievable at any time. It has always peeved me off how they did these in the past, both for Ghosts and previous COD editions ... where I could achieve some rare and great thing that would normally unlock an emblem or banner but because I was level 10 on prestige whatever, it wasn't unlocked yet, so it didn't give me credit.
And you can track 10 challenges now.
I like this.
now all operations are open not just a few hell yeah I like that
And they added a 5 game kd ratio and added if you have double xp and for how long
Sent from the little black box