Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
My gt:- johnbai84 is basically my name with the slang of my hometown bai,(boy) and my year of birth.subject to change whenever I get round to it
Here is a suggestion fella
MeaisÃ*n Cogadh
It means war machine in our language 👍👌👍👌👍👌
Sent from the Saint
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Haha! My original gt was 3xp0s3ed (Exposed), not exactly sure how I got that, but it was leet! But, I changed my gt around 17 years old. Ando - is my highschool nickname and Pro - rhymes with Ando. So, at the time, I thought it was pretty clever and it just stuck.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
that's very clever ally, i thought maybe you just liked cats or something lol. i love some good wordplay haha. thanks for contributing!
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
Haha! My original gt was 3xp0s3ed (Exposed), not exactly sure how I got that, but it was leet! But, I changed my gt around 17 years old. Ando - is my highschool nickname and Pro - rhymes with Ando. So, at the time, I thought it was pretty clever and it just stuck.
lol i was wondering how you got andopro. i thought maybe you had a Eastern European background or something haha. it just sounds like a name you would see on the back of a hockey sweater. is that stereotyping? lol
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
ll Archangel li
Dang it...been meaning to ask you that lol. Been wanting to call you Johnny boy for ages but didn't want to inadvertently offend or be over familiar.
Sent from the edge of your peripherals
Lol no worries dude it's surprising how many ppl pronounce the bai as bay when it's more like buy.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
Lol no worries dude it's surprising how many ppl pronounce the bai as bay when it's more like buy.
that is why i just call ya JB buddy.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
lol i was wondering how you got andopro. i thought maybe you had a Eastern European background or something haha. it just sounds like a name you would see on the back of a hockey sweater. is that stereotyping? lol
Nope, born and raised American. Even though, if I grew my beard and wore a turban, I definitely look Middle Eastern, but not so much European.. Lol.
Ando - originated on the basketball court with my High School varsity team. Ever since then, my friends called me Ando. Which is weird, because usually nicknames are used to shorten your full name, but it has the same amount of characters. Never asked why, just thought it might have been a sign of respect.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
Originally Posted by
Nope, born and raised American. Even though, if I grew my beard and wore a turban, I definitely look Middle Eastern, but not so much European.. Lol.
Ando - originated on the basketball court with my High School varsity team. Ever since then, my friends called me Ando. Which is weird, because usually nicknames are used to shorten your full name, but it has the same amount of characters. Never asked why, just thought it might have been a sign of respect.
the power of beards! when people ask when i'm shaving i like to reply with "when the infidels leave the holy land". that normally blows some minds haha. most don't know how to respond or just say "oh". i just say it as a joke of course, i got sick of saying "never".
and yeah i agree with the nickname part. as far as high school goes, anything that isn't negative is a win in my book lol.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
I always loved this thread. the old one got really long over the many months. D4RKY comes from what my old xbox live friends called me. I have had many forms of it, D4RKY, FULM3T4LD4RKY, D4RKYwilldie (that one didn't last long). But what it comes from is xXD4RK1Xx. All my friends thought the 1 was an I and called me darky. Kinda stuck so figured I'd just make it that. Even further back my GT was darkjett, don't really remember why though. I have been toying woth the idea to make my GT D4RK FURY. But not sure.
P.S. xXD4RK1Xx comes from my highschool days, I liked anything black, or dark colored. I love the dark grey color of metal. But I was more punk than emo in hogh school but everyone said I was gothic. Whatever, I still am kinda that way.
Re: What Are the Origins Behind Your GT?
ZERO D4RK 30. Your welcome. :smiley_simmons: