If I have time tonight lets talk about them during some games. I had an idea for one during the meeting but I forgot what it was ! lol
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If I have time tonight lets talk about them during some games. I had an idea for one during the meeting but I forgot what it was ! lol
okay ya im gonna talk to the cod guys and c what they think
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Follows my other post. Lets make another page on the site for both games call it CAG's of fame lol Idk. But have just current records and stuff like most kills least deathsin general or sort it out by each map or in bf3 most medals anyway is possible just how do we want to sort it for cod and bf3.
With the cod awards id make new ones for achieving diamond camos. Also maybe a pistol medal a different sharpshooter medal but for sniping. Make a medal like need 3 plants in snd. Can make a weekly or monthly showcase for like emblem of the week or month. Maybe make medals of the elite clan op awards and give the medals to the top six players each clan op since those are the scores that count. I got plenty of award ideas
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There you go Nightmare...a CAG Hall of Fame and maybe a Wall of Shame too? lol....
The possibilities are endless with the awards you guys. I just can't do it all by myself, I need help with ideas at least. I can create and or design the awards and medals no problem, but I would love to have someone else helping with the designing of them as well.
i mean if i had a drawing capality i would help but i suck at it and im trying to get some shit togther about it
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cheech the wall of shame is funny personaly. but it could go both ways we dont want to feed anyones hate or negativity either ya know? i cant really make emblems but you all should know ill help anyone anyway i can if they need/want/appreciate it. thats not to say anyone here doesnt it just how i feel.
The wall of shame would be something just for clan members , maybe like bloopers during a clutch moment for us to joke about and such. But yes, we would have to be very careful about that one.
indeed sir tis a thin line to walk. whatever yall decide though im behind it 120%
Yea Im all for it id prob get most team kills in a series of matches... Damn C4. Wall of shameworthy lol
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I mean you have that challenge called humiliation on cod games still right? ....lol..