Thanks beast. I'll also get gamebattles setup when I get home from work.
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FraggedNation is trash, I worked for them for a bit on their News Team and they fucked me over. I wrote up the code for their newsletters and they cut me off without notice. Fuck Fraggednation, they have worthless people who don't know shit about running a website let alone making sure things work properly.
Anyways, don't let that stop you guys from kicking ass on fraggednation, go in their and wipe your asses with their faces.
Lol Gamebattles is even worse dude, they have kids running that site instead of adults bro. Most of their fucking refs are under 18 and belong to other clans and they play favorites when it comes to disputes over games. Then you have to show proof that the other team cheated if you dispute a loss. It's a fucking joke.
Honestly that is why I am not into clan matches anymore, they completely fucked up the fun factor in clan matches. The only way we can honestly have fun playing in clan matches is at the pro level where there is no doubt that cheaters will get caught because you are playing in front of thousands of other gamers and people in the stands.
But we can use this as a stepping stone for other competitive gamers who will end up watching us play in these bullshit tourneys and have an interest in joining us and hopefully setting up pro teams on each of the games.
I would prefer MLG, I know some staff members and overall I think it's better then FN.
We are now on both... FN- CAG Reaper FireSquad
GB- CAG Reaper FireSquad
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added bro!!
Diamond if someone doesn't know who's words those are then they should be shot dead....Jim Morrison rocked homie..I love the Doors!
gamebattles username is : fly1458
add me also