I like the scout. they all have their pros and cons.
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I like the scout. they all have their pros and cons.
I just got my rifleman to 40 and it is bad ass with the body armor piercing ammo, now I am going to work on my scout to get that msr, muahahahha! Time dominates with the MSR , it's a one shot one kill
good shit on your rifleman. just keep doing what you doing.
Hell yeah man, this is a bad ass class, it is very versatile, actually all the classes are versatile and pretty even, I just like the extra armor the rifleman class has.
I'm just not as motivated right now cause everytime i get on and get a game going i end up losing connection from servers and the exp points all goes to waste and this all started yesterday i haven't completed a match going on 48 hrs so i'm demotivated right now until the shit gets right!!
I feel you man, we have had some bad times ourselves as well, they really underestimated how many people were going to be playing this game or simply did not put this game on their own servers and are sharing them with old outdated ones.
Nevertheless Ubisoft is going to fix this, they have to if they plan on having a successful launch and sales numbers when Rainbow Six comes out. I have always liked the way ubisoft has done things when it comes to fixing server issues, a lot of people that don't understand what goes into server maintenance will be quick to bash ubisoft and their servers, but in order to make a game like GR , MW3 and really every other shooting game that syncs so much data along with achievements for xbox live need to be ran a certain way.
Just hang in there man, when you see us online make sure you send us a message and we will make room for you. We have no problem making room for our new recruits and members , we have enough members now to have 2 full squads if you can believe that.
I've been playing rifleman class but I love the sensor on engineer but I hate the golblin even when you MOD it out its still pretty unstable. In the game you need both classes ingame. I really like the stun gun to hack data on a stunned player!
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Wow dude! I think the Goblin is one of the better weapons in this game. For me at least it is very accurate and stable when using it for medium range engagements. I only use the scout's smgs when I think there is going to be the inevitable close quarters battles.
Engineer! I play with UAV and sensor. Not only do you have to master the aspect of intel , but you also have to master survival. Why? When you have a UAV it is a slim chance a team member will cover you. It is your responsibilty to deploy your UAV near your teams respawn or somewhere out of site , laying low. When you have a uav you have to think about the team , where they are positioned and where the enemy is positioned. Master the zoom button and the arrow designator so you can effectively communicate where the enemy is , where they are comming from and how you can better position your team members to kill them. Remember, the other team has engineers too and you have to be able to outsmart them. A good offense is a good defense. :p
scout for sure