Welcome aboard qp. glad you made it in.
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Welcome aboard qp. glad you made it in.
Sergeant Noli, he is a new recruit not an official Member of CAG, at least not right now. So lets get him in some games so we can start evaluating him. I and vokab should be on tonight after 5-6 pm pacific time.
Till then lets keep the good job of recruiting. I see we have 2 new members to the site, XVelvetAssasinX and xxBrotasticxx. Lets find out who they are and see if they are interested in joining CAG.
I apologize sir. I can't make it tonight cause I have a union meeting. Did you hear that qp? you're a recruit until further notice. you'll sport the cag tag for now. We have a few steps for you to take before getting the CAG tag. but I have no doubts that you'll make rank anytime soon. just as long as you remain in good standings with the clan and stay active. now drop and give me 400! :) see ya sooni
@ Sergeant Noli- daaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! already started him off the bat with 400! wooooohooooooooooooo...Drill Sergeant Noli setting the LAW! HAHA!
Alright guys i got my tag as cag for now. I'm gonna have trouble playing around that time because of my job but i basically play all day in the day time and i tried hard to always be active on the forums. i hope our time difference wont effect our chance of actually getting to know each other and game with each other. i loook forward to meeting each one of you guys individually in games.
@ qp- Hey buddy no problem with the time difference. As long as you have most of the Members on your friends list you should be ok. I don't always play during the week because of work, but there is usually someone on so you can team up with and play.
Im a new member for X360. My gt is ARuthlessMidget and i play Black Ops.
I have a .99 W/L and a 1.43 K/D.
Im 9th prestige and lvl 30
It's good to meet you, Ruthless.
Thanks for introducing yourself. I would like to suggest that you add some of us. I'll add you as soon as I get on. I'm at work at the moment.
Don't hesitate to ask if you've any questions.
Hey Ruthless,
Welcome to CAG! Hopefully you'll see one of us on XBL so we can get better aquainted... I myself play almost everyday when I don't feel like going out. Well I'll be on tonight... actually I'm playing right now at the moment.
Here's a few guys that should be on your friends list:
Chaos I Theory
welcome aboard! hope to play some games with you...