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Hey guys
I'm just looking to get into the clan. I have always wanted to try and do a clan but just have not had the opportunity to do it. I saw your thread on the CoD forums so i figured i would try this one out. From the stuff that i have read about the CAG clan, I like what i see and would love to try and get in.
About myself- I'm 22 and go to WIU (Western Illinois University). I play quite a bit (13th prestige, 12 days played) I play mostly at night, once my classes are over.
My k/d is 1.98 at the time and my w/l is 1.28. I play both tactically (camping) and aggressively (run and gunning). it really just depends on the gametype and the type of players that are on the other team.
I have added the necessary members of the clan on XBL so other than this, let me know what else i need to do to try and be recruited into the clan. Thanks a lot!
Well iLL welcome to cagclan.com my friend. Great intro by the way. From what I have read you should fit in just perfect. We have all sorts of players in CAG, from the casual to the hardcore. Most of us are parents now and have kids and work. We usually have a good group that plays mostly every night. The guys you should look for are eagle, vokab, chaos, nolious, stewie, moose, ninja and joovie, those guys play on quite regularly.
Alright nice. Just to give a little bit more information on myself, heres some CoD facts.
Preferred weapons- M16,Galil,AK47,Commando,G11,MPL,L96,PSG,M60
Preferred gametypes- Search and Destroy(my bread and butter),Demo,Domination,HQ
A note to the sniper rifle sort of stuff- I'm not one of those "Oh you hard scoper" I snipe whether or not its a semi-quick scope, a drag scope, or a hard scope. Basically i snipe to whatever degree i can pull of the shot. I like getting kills, not making it look cool.
Hey Illuminati,
Nice playing with you today, you even scored highest on that one domination matach; Haha, even though you lost! Kidding aside, I think you'll meld well together with us if you keep playing the way I saw you play today. You even killed me more times than I have killing you on domination, so take that as a small incentive.
I love playing Hardcore S&D, and I wouldn't hesitate playing alongside you in the battlefield! Hopefully you decide to stick with CAG and be a part of the CAG Brotherhood.
Welcome and Cheers!
Nice post iLLUMoMATi GWB, we have many different people in the clan, I myself lead the Special Forces, we play to almost real life tactics, and we have the casual player that runs and does his thing most of the time. Welcome to the family man, if you need anything or have a question dont be afraid to ask we wont be to hard on you
Hey guys whats up I'm qpthatsme. Im the newest member to CAG and i will be sending several friend invites out there so if you see my name please accept. I'm hoping by joining CAG i could meet new people and learn a thing or two about teamwork on call of duty & of course kick some ass! anyways i live in eastern US and im turning 21 this thursday. If you guys got anymore questions just ask hope we get to learn more about each other. See you guys in game!
qp, welcome to cagclan.com. I hope you enjoy it here with us and hope you make it as a Member of CAG. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. We are a Family not just a Clan so we try to help each other as much as possible.
Well qp, again welcome and have some fun!
Hey qpthatsme,
Welcome to CAG, hope you enjoy your stay with us! Definantly add a bunch of us according to whatever platform you use (Xbox 360 or PS3). I'm kicking an XBox 360 myself, so if you use one; add me!!
If you got any more questions about anything, just make a reply on here and one of us will help you out.