Welcome to CAG if you haven't got your application done make sure you submit it. If you have make sure you add me at CAG Tricky3 look forward to meeting you.
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Dear Cag,I am a gamer who loves playing cod every since waw.I play xb1 and ps4 on a daily basis.On an average my KD is a 1.45 on every cod.I have been looking forward to playing tournaments in the near future.Recently I have been doing some with my friend in Dallas.One of my best thing I'm good at is making banners and editing videos I recently also left the YouTube series due to my lost of 20,000 subs from a flag.All I am just here to look forward to be playing with you guys and have a good competitive tournament going on.
Sincerely ,
Dear Cag,I am a gamer who loves playing cod every since waw.I play xb1 and ps4 on a daily basis.On an average my KD is a 1.45 on every cod.I have been looking forward to playing tournaments in the near future.Recently I have been doing some with my friend in Dallas.One of my best thing I'm good at is making banners and editing videos I recently also left the YouTube series due to my lost of 20,000 subs from a flag.All I am just here to look forward to be playing with you guys and have a good competitive tournament going on.
Sincerely ,
Hi guys my name is Jay - the games I mainly play are GTA V - Forza Horizon 2, Battlefield Hardline & sometimes Battlefield 4. After having a game with HG8, GrayGray, JB, & Mad I feel CAG is my type off clan/platoon... Friendly guys to talk to & have a laugh with.. Thank you guys for the opportunity
Hello CAG, I'm the new guy. I'm really looking forward to joining CAG. My name is Michael or Laz some people can not pronounce Lazarus right so you may call me Laz. I'm on ps3 and I mainly play advanced warfare but I also play Destiny, rocksmith and need for speed. I have a good headset but I really don't like to talk unless I have to. The reason is because I have a speech impairment which makes me stutter. Anywho, if they are any questions you would like to ask me go ahead. I usually work night time up to 10:45. Lastly, are they any other thing I need to fill out? My phone is a little weird so I can't really look at everything right yet.
Forgot to ask, does CAG do clan wars in advanced warfare.
hi everyone my gt is ZE120S but just call me zeros. im looking for a clan that plays battelfield hardline for the xboxone. the games i have and play are cod aw,bf 4 and hardline, forza, eso, dying lite, destiny, minecraft, and the crew, i have otters but to much to list them i farliy new to xbox one i just swiched over when cod aw came out. i play alot at night bc of work.