Award Request for HEADHUNTER! [4 month ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 3926
Request Information:
Award ID: 7
Name: 4 month ribbon
Description: The 4 month ribbon contains 1 golden star for each month served.
Point Value = 40
Recipient username : HEADHUNTER
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
8/27/2013 makes it my 4 months
Award Request for CAG twofkbrotal! [Combat Infantry Badge]
Sender Information
Userid: 3083
User Name: CAG twofkbrotal
Request Information:
Award ID: 58
Name: Combat Infantry Badge
Description: Earn 10 awards in Assault Rifle, Carbine, Shotgun, LMG, PDW, Pistol and Sniper rifle.
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : CAG twofkbrotal
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
to earn the awards we decide to change it to 5 not 10. I got it during TDM with Assault Rifle, Sniper rifle, LMG, Pistol, Carbine. I was with D4KRY.
Award Request for CAG twofkbrotal! [Hand to Hand Combat]
Sender Information
Userid: 3083
User Name: CAG twofkbrotal
Request Information:
Award ID: 70
Name: Hand to Hand Combat
Description: Achieve 4 knife kills in one round. Can only be awarded once per round.
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : CAG twofkbrotal
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I got 4 knife kills and ribbon last night in TDM with D4RKY.
Award Recommendation for EROCKizREAL! [Tactical Precision Team Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 4371
User Name: AGC Rage
Request Information:
Award ID: 56
Name: Tactical Precision Team Medal
Description: This Medal is earned by a full squad of 6 who's total deaths is less than 20 combined and no kill/score streaks allowed.
Point Value = 5000
Recipient username : EROCKizREAL
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Award Request for CAG twofkbrotal! [Medic]
Sender Information
Userid: 3083
User Name: CAG twofkbrotal
Request Information:
Award ID: 63
Name: Medic
Description: Achieve 5 revives in one round. Can only be awarded once per round.
Point Value = 25
Recipient username : CAG twofkbrotal
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
I got 5 revives two days ago on Rush and I was with pisspawz and D4RKY.
Award Recommendation for CAGxDeathStroke! [Tactical Precision Team Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 4371
User Name: AGC Rage
Request Information:
Award ID: 56
Name: Tactical Precision Team Medal
Description: This Medal is earned by a full squad of 6 who's total deaths is less than 20 combined and no kill/score streaks allowed.
Point Value = 5000
Recipient username : CAGxDeathStroke
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Award Recommendation for nativeamdrummer! [Tactical Precision Team Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 4371
User Name: AGC Rage
Request Information:
Award ID: 56
Name: Tactical Precision Team Medal
Description: This Medal is earned by a full squad of 6 who's total deaths is less than 20 combined and no kill/score streaks allowed.
Point Value = 5000
Recipient username : nativeamdrummer
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Award Recommendation for CMIxx BEATZ! [Tactical Precision Team Medal]
Sender Information
Userid: 4371
User Name: AGC Rage
Request Information:
Award ID: 56
Name: Tactical Precision Team Medal
Description: This Medal is earned by a full squad of 6 who's total deaths is less than 20 combined and no kill/score streaks allowed.
Point Value = 5000
Recipient username : CMIxx BEATZ
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
Award Request for Alpha Sn1p3s! [1 month service ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 4206
User Name: Alpha Sn1p3s
Request Information:
Award ID: 4
Name: 1 month service ribbon
Description: This ribbon is awarded to all members who have successfully served 1 full month of service in CAG. Each golden star represents 1 full week with the 5th center star representing the recruits 5th week by which he should have already completed and received his marksman badge.
If a recruit does not complete and received his marksman badge by the 5th week, he is no longer eligible for this ribbon.
Point Value = 10
Recipient username : Alpha Sn1p3s
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
My join date was July 11th and today is August 27
Award Request for Alpha Sn1p3s! [2 month service ribbon]
Sender Information
Userid: 4206
User Name: Alpha Sn1p3s
Request Information:
Award ID: 5
Name: 2 month service ribbon
Description: This is the 2 month service ribbon with each golden star representing 1 month. To receive this ribbon, members must be active on our website and online for a reasonable amount of time not necessarily 2 full months of 30+ days. Documentation of how much interaction on the forums is determined by the amount of post and the dates for each member posts.
Point Value = 20
Recipient username : Alpha Sn1p3s
Please explain why the listed recipient should receive the award.
My join date was on July 11th and today is now August 27th.