I am a new recruit my name is RESISTANCELYFE95 witch is all so my PSN name so add me
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I am a new recruit my name is RESISTANCELYFE95 witch is all so my PSN name so add me
Thank you for allowing me to join I am honored to represent the clan and I am looking FOWARD to being able to play with Yall and talk will Yall as time goes on
Hey, I'm 19 I recently joined. I'm 19 I play call of duty Advanced warfare and I like to play search and destroy and momentum. I rush in search and objective slayer in momentum. I was the leader of my clan but I am clan merging with you guys. But Hi my name is Jon, I live in North carolina USA.
Frederick, MD
29 years old.
Gamer for 23 yrs.
Married to my beautiful wife Christine, who is the mother of my son Tyler(5).
Analytical logistics data expert for United Health Care.
Im a multi-player nut, my goal is to coordinate and execute with a team so proficiently that the opposing team cry's and rage quits. I encourage matches where im outgunned to test my skills and the skills of my fellow team members.
Hello all I am 39 years old male
Gamer Tag Graygray20 on Xbox one only
I am playing a lot of Battlefield 4 and Battlefield Hardline I am from England UK so there may be a time gap with some.
I also belong to a proboards forum called Console 3 in England which caters for over 21 years or older gamers for fun game nights no competition just laid back fun.
So why have I joined I am looking for more players to game with on the Battlefield games for just fun and try to win with team work and enjoy the game play
I found you on Battlelog forum
Hope to see you on the battlefield
Xbox one only
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Welcome you our forums Gray, we have quite a number of players who play the BF series, be sure to make a clan application for your preferred game to be added to a roster and receive a list of the leadership for that game whom you could add to get started on increasing your xbl contacts list
1st Lieutenant
Executive Officer (XO)
Bravo Company
Hi all I'm dartwuffy2012. 36 yr old male from Arkansas (originally from Illinois)
Love playing objective games. I've been playing COD since MW2 and look forward to playing some AW and Blops 3 with you all.
Hiyo, my name is James, I play mainly TDM or Mosh, I'm fairly new to AW, only been playing for about 2 days 13 hours and 5 minutes overall. I hope to settle down in this and become a true CAG member.
I play AW, Ghosts, BO2 and GTAV.
I'm 18, I'm aiming to go down the Web design road as I enjoy playing around with Code.
I play on the PS3 and I hope to see those of you that also play PS3 around.
- Peace -
Hi I'm Lee from Wales UK 35 yrs old. I was recommended this site by Gray as I wanted to start playing BF again but with a group/clan. I also play Destiny but have got bored of it recently. I purchased Elite Dangerous which is taking alot of game time. Bye.
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Dear Cag,I am a 15 year old gamer love playing cod every since waw.I play xb1 and ps4 on a daily basis.On an average my KD is a 1.45 on every cod.I have been looking forward to playing tournaments in the near future.Recently I have been doing some with my friend in Dallas.One of my best thing I'm good at is making banners and editing videos I recently also left the YouTube series due to my lost of 20,000 subs from a flag.All I am just here to look forward to be playing with you guys and have a good competitive tournament going on.
Sincerely ,
Theo Hodges