Greetings everyone, my name is Vilhelm I go by the gamer tag NecroBlastBeast. The GT is a vatiation of "blast beat" a style of drumming since I'm a drummer and listen to a lot of Death and Black Metal. I am 29 years old living in Washington state, I work at night so nights after work is my gaming time. During the day, Im drumming until my hands and feet melt off.
Looking forward to playing with some of you people!
Hi everyone
my gamertag is WEY AYE MANN
playing on xbox one
I'm a geordie lass!! mother of 2 and like nothing better then shooting people once the little ones Are in bed 😃😃😝
Keeps me sane kind of lol love a bit banter so feel free to add me
hello all i just wanted to introduce myself. gamertag is wezel83. Im new to the whole idea of a clan found this one by just searching around. I mainly do my play in the afternoons central time. Im 32 and have 2 young children so evening play isnt available right now. well if anyone has any question hit me up or look for me on xbox live.
Hey y'all, the names Andrew. I am 19 years old and hail from twenty-nine palms, California which is literally in the middle of nowhere. My PSN gamertag is resmerk and I am on mostly during the evening on CoD: Advance Warfare. Feel free to add me if you so desire or not :P I shall leave that entirely in your hands.
Posted my application earlier this morning, and I am looking forward to speaking with you all on the PS3 side of things. Hope you all have a great day, and stay safe out there.
How's it going guys I just signed up today with Gulf Company My name's Forrest I play AW on the ps3 I look forward to playing with you guys. Feel free too add me on pen: ItsOk_IPullOut
Hey, I'm 16 I recently was encouraged to join. I'm 16 I play call of duty AW and I like to play search and destroy and momentum. I rush in search and objective slayer in momentum. I was the leader of my clan but I am clan merging with you guys. But Hi my name is Tyler, I live in California, USA.
What's going on everyone? My names Jon or (RickleJ3) I run on XB1 and currently going through my marksman process for
AW Bravo Company. Some of the games I play and have played would be Call of Duty Series, BF series, Destiny, Madden,
Dying light, And GTA. I work a pretty crazy schedule so my hours change week to week from night shift to day shift so
Hopefully I get to kno some of our Euro members and can set up to play alongside you guys/gals as well as the Groups
running Est. time.
I'm 25, chemical process operator, Father, and soon to be husband. I stumbled upon CAG just searching around AW
forums and can't even began to say how awesome it's been thus far. Everyone's been greatly helpful and greatly
awesome. So thank for the opportunity for trying to become apart of CAG. My goal would be to become a Elite member and
great contributor, teamate, friend to everyone here at CAG. Anyways again my GT is RickleJ3 so feel free to add me and
let's get together go out have fun, and WIN.
Just realised that I forgot to do this back when I was a recruit so....... Better late than never........
Hi, my name is Mark, I'm 28 and live in a shitty little town in the middle of England called Birmingham. My gt is CAG Villian(yes I know it's spelt wrong) and I play cod aw, fifa 15.and am starting to try to play BF4 all in the XB1.
I have 3 kids, all girls, who you can hear probably 80% of the time screaming at me for money for whatever crap girls want to buy nowadays.
I also play a few games now and again on my old ps3( psn is steppy1986)
Hey everyone, wassup?
I'm a returning member and I am glad to be back :)