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Sounds good to me I would just say to make a subsequent post saying what the core teams jobs are cause I only know my job. I guess thats the only one that I need to know though lol.
Nitro - Guard
Pretty good practice. We ended up 11-2, with one loss being on array.. that can't happen again. I'd treat that as a flexible practice, so switching up roles is probably what got the loss on array. other than that good practice, look to the calendar for next weeks practices.
No problem nitro, i'll get a post up about that tonight.
And i think we have all come to an agreement as to who our first alternate is? Welcome to the ReaperDoggs, lucifer
I also just want to say that with school starting back up for me I am going to be cutting down on how often I am on, its my last year so I really need to focus on school. I will still be on Friday and Saturday nights. So if the core practice could be one of those nights that would be best otherwise I can't promise that I will be there.
Nope, sounds fine by me, G.
CAG GdubyaB wrote:
Alright practices for now on are gonna follow either one of these types-
ReaperDoggs Core Practice- This practice will be open to only the 6 core members. Those are myself, cheech, brando, kapt, iron, and nitro. These practices also will not be open to core members switching up roles. These practices should be the same people doing the same job. These practices are also going to be closed lobbies. What this means, is that no one from the clan should be joining this lobby. The reason for why the lobby will be closed is to make sure that the core squad is able to take on any type of player. I understand that it is good for our recruits and other members to get in some games against us, but during a core practice i want it to be only us. that allows other teams and players to filter in and out of our lobby. If we have one or two members of the clan on the other team then we are not going to be getting other teams of 6 to play against us. This is going to be a competition squad. We're not going to be competiting against our own squad. Its as simple as that. No tolerance of losing in this squad. We should not be losing games in a core practice because people are switching around roles. We all know the seriousness of core practices. Thats just how its going to go.
ReaperDoggs Flexible Practice- This practice will be open to anyone to join the lobby. Not all core members must be in attendance for this practice, so we can get other members of the clan into our team so we can see if they will work as alternates. We do still need 2 alternates. Players in the ReaperDoggs lobby will also be allowed to switch up roles within the game. This means people can take turns running, guarding, escorting etc as long as they get someone to switch up spots with them.
So look for these on the calendar. If i put it on the calendar as a Core Practice, thats what its going to be. No other members are allowed to join the lobby. If i put a Flexible Practice then no problem, join our lobby for sure.
If any of you disagree with me on this, go ahead and comment on the thread.
thanks guys im honored to be part of the reaperdoggs and i will do my best to meet your expectations. and i completely understand and agree with core and flexible practices and the reasoning behind it.
Alright Nitro heres a synopsis of each role in the squad and what my killstreak/class setup is for them so you can have something to base them off of.
Runner- The role of the runners is fairly simple. Runners need to get to the enemy flag and capture it at all costs. K/d is going to be garbage so runners need not worry about it. Runners will die a lot unless a team is not covering a certain path to their flag. If one route doesnt work, then try another, and another. Runners may also be needed to go and recover our own flag if it has been taken and is being hidden while we have their flag. I run with two different classes. One with ghost and one with flak jacket.
Escort- Escorts can double as guards and runners. On smaller maps, escorts are basically going to double as runners, but still need to secure safe transport for the runners back to our own flag location. On larger maps, escorts must set up halfway through certain paths so that the runner has someone watching their backs on their way back. Escorts must also be ready to secure and return our own flag if it is taken.
Guards- Guards must watch the flag. They must make sure that our flag is not taken. Guards need to always have eyes on the flag, NEED to. If the flag is taken and they cant get to it then they must call out where the flag is going so that the escorts know where to go. Even if the flag is gone, guards must stay by our flag to make sure that our spawn is not overrun. If the spawn is overrun then we are screwed. We learned that once at our practice last night. Also neeeeeeeeeeed to have a strela, must be there to take out air support. If everyone is running ghost then do not worry about the spy planes. If you're trying to get ghost pro then do it on your own time, not on practice. You need to only take out attack choppers, chopper gunners, and gunships. Guards should not be just staring in the sky for spy planes.
Alright here are my class setups for all three roles
Runner Class One- MP5K extended mags, CZ75 extended mags, semtex, smoke, tactical insertion, flak jacket, sleight of hand, marathon
Runner Class Two- MP5K silenced, CZ75 extended mags, semtex, smoke, tactical insertion, ghost, sleight of hand, marathon
Escort- Commando silenced, Strela, semtex, concussion, claymore, ghost, sleight of hand, marathon
Guard- Galil silenced, Strela, semtex, concussion, claymore, ghost, sleight of hand, hacker
If you have any more questions nitro then feel free to ask
Thats perfect Gdub, thanks brah.
I think that a killstreak discussion would be good in order to further refine this well oiled machine.
I recall during our last practice a conversation about whether or not guards should use killstreaks that result in them having an out of body experience (chopper gunner, gunship). My feeling is if we follow what Gdub wrote above that they should not be using these as the guards would be unable to keep an eye on the flag if they are using chopper gunner. So if guards want to use a high killstreak it should be ones that allow them to stay on the ground (Dogs, Carpet Bombing). I personally feel that getting a Sentry would be especially important for guards to have, just another eye on the flag.
So here is what Im thinking each set up should be for each class...
Runners: use a 3, 4, 5 setup (This is a must as runners will die often and be lucky to even get a 3 killstreak)
Escort: Spy Plane, Napalm, Mortar (middle killstreaks as escort is in more high risk areas, these particular ones also make it so escort does not have to leave their post to pick up any packages)
Guard: Spy Plane, Sentry, Blackbird or Carpet Bombing(upper end killstreaks, guards should be hidden and not die very often, I say "or Carpet Bombing" as this proved very effective against us during one match)
The escort and guards should choose the killstreak level that they feel comfortable with but runners must run a 3,4,5 set up. Spy planes should be mandatory first slot unless you guys feel different. Comments and adjustments to this are welcome.