You're going to fit in nicely here bro. I added you today so if I see you online we'll get some kills for that Marksman.
Welcome to the site!
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You're going to fit in nicely here bro. I added you today so if I see you online we'll get some kills for that Marksman.
Welcome to the site!
Congratulations Dalton8522
CAG Assistant Commandant and leader of Veterans.
What's up guys, I'm Nathan, I go by Nate by most people. I'm 20 years old, currently in school studying criminal justice. I play Advanced Warfare on the PS3, I can't afford a PS4 at the moment, but once I'm out of school I can get a job and save. I signed up for this clan back in January but that was because my old clan seemed to have shut down, but then it came back up and I went back to them. Now it has officially shut down and I've realized Call of Duty is much more fun with other people. I haven't played alone in so long, it's just boring to play alone now. I'm a casual and competitive player, I've done GB's and UMG matches for Black Ops 2. I was a member of Vanquish for a few weeks. SoaR Rylan (one of the new managers of SoaR) had bought back his old professional Call of Duty team Vanquish and made me and a friend members of it, but since then it has went under different management so we were no longer in vQ. I'm not THAT good at the game, but I'm decent at AW. Getting better. For those interested, I'm more of a Support/OBJ player. My PSN is Chunt_Funter I'm on AW pretty much all day. I take breaks to eat and watch Netflix here and there. If anyone plays PS3 let me know.
Nice to have you here nathan , you will have a good time here, get to know each other, and play some games, glad you met a soar member. Enjoy your stay!
Sup everyone, I'm Scott, 30 year old US Marine who's been gaming since my 286DX. Started competitive play on PC with Quake and moved to UT and CS. I recently moved over to console gaming with a 360 a friend gave to me along with BF4 once the XBone came out. Kids mainly use it to play Skylanders so I picked up the XBone last week and transferred BF4 then decided to pull the trigger on AW and register on GB to play some matches. Still learning the game and mechanics of the console as some things are slower and others are faster. Always enjoyed being a part of a clan and sharing my experiences with everyone else so here I am. Feel free to add me on Live and play some BF4 or AW. Pz
Hello Scott,
I am on X1 and play BF4 as well. GT: Dalton8522. I am working on my marksman badge, as I assume you will be too, so feel free to add me and we can get some full members to team up with to knock out our badges. Look forward to gaming with you, brother.
Hi, my name is Jace and I like to party. Been introduced to the clan by a few friends of mine who have been in CAG for some time now and so far I like the set-up with keeping people involved with the forums as well as the awards.
Hello recruits and new members, I am the Leader and Co-Founder of CAG "Combat Applications Group" ....
It is great to see all these new recruits introducing themselves and interacting with other recruits ...
I want to welcome all the new recruits and thank you for choosing CAG out of all the clans out there ... A few things to keep in mind if you are a recruit and even a new member ...
The forums are your best friend, use the forums to make turn yourself into a "household" name amongst other CAG Doggs, most of the guys you see in leadership positions have worked their asses off both on xbox live and on the forums ... they have been active as you can very well see by their posts count and their Awards Showcase ..
While we are a casual clan and we allow up the most casual of casual gamers into the clan, we also like to see some sort of activity from those who wish to move up the ranks ...
If you don't know what it takes to move up the ranks and into leadership positions in CAG refer to the following links:
Chain of Command - This outlines all the ranks and the requirements and descriptions of the ranks within CAG
Code of Conduct - This clearly explains CAG's Code of Conduct which every member of CAG is help up to
Ranking and Promotions - A quick reference to help you get your feet wet and ready for your initiation and recruit process
MOS and Billets - The most commonly used roles, jobs (billets) in CAG
Remember recruits and new members, it is "YOUR" job and responsibility to make sure that you do all it takes and you fulfill all the requirements needed to become a member of CAG ... current members and officers "WILL NOT" chase you around but they "WILL" help you with what ever it is that you need to fulfill your requirements to become a CAG Dogg ...
If you are having a hard time finding current CAG Doggs (clan members) to play with ask yourself these questions:
Did I post an introduction on the forums?
Did I include enough information when I submitted my application to join CAG?
Am I active enough on the forums for CAG Doggs to notice me?
Am I asking my questions on the forums?
These are just some of the questions all new recruits and members should be asking themselves if it seems to them that no one is helping them out ... in the past and just recently we have had a few recruits say that no one is responding to their friend requests, game invites and therefor are not able to play with clan members ... WE WILL NOT HOLD YOUR HANDS !!!! ...
We are the #1 clan for a reason, we do things our way and if it was not the right way we would not be here 14 years later ... We have very dedicated and willing leaders, proven leaders and members who will go out of their way to help recruits and new members get acclimated with our system ... We are not a big clan, but we are big enough to put the hurt on other clans ...
If you guys have questions always ask them on the forums, do not send me a private message or other officers, your questions might be questions that other recruits have and they can be answered for you and other recruits all at once on the forums ... If you have a question, use the search feature located right below our main navigation bar (menu) on the forums, if your question has been asked before the search engine "WILL" locate it, I am constantly working on the site to make sure that every single thread and topic is indexed by Google and if someone does a search for just about anything on the forums you "are" going to get results ...
So once again welcome all new recruits, thank you all for choosing CAG and I hope to see every single one of you become CAG Doggs in the near future !!!!
Leader and Co-Founder
CAG CheechDogg
If anyone has any question like Cheech said above i am more than happy to help you out and assist the best way i can.