Re:spag1987 Welcome to CAG
@ VoKaB1 I got your message.
Ok good stuff. When you get a hold of them (your internet) have them go to your house and do a service call. Tell them you need all connectors checked and replaced regardless. Ask them to take away any barrells and to check the cable type you have. You need to have RG-6 cable instead of RG-59, most of your area has RG-59 which is a thinner cable and burns out easily. I know because I worked for Time Warner and Dish Network. Don't let them tell you otherwise, request and demand they do this, otherwise you will keep getting the same problems.
Another question, do you use a router or do you have you 360 hooked up wireless ? Let me know whats going on ok?
Re:spag1987 Welcome to CAG
When you guys have a chance edit your profiles. You can easily edit your profiles to add a profile picture and other information from the front page underneath the log in. You will see 4 links:
My Profile
Edit your main profile here. This is the main account for your website. Add a profile picture here and contact information.
My CAG Points
This is a system that awards you points for being active on the website. You earn points by daily log ins, posts on the forums, replying to others posts and a whole other list of things. From the Main Menu under CAG you will see the link to "My CAG Points". Click there and you will see all the options for CAG points.
Well if you guys have any questions please post them here.
Welcome to home of CAG. If you need any help or have questions please don't hesitate to ask them here. Please let us know a bit about yourself. Thanks for visiting.
Chaos I Theory Welcome to CAG
Welcome to CAG Chaos I Theory. If you have any questions please post them here. We have a friendly bunch so please introduce yourself to everyone. Hope to see you sometime this week so we can play some games together.
Re:spag1987 Welcome to CAG
ok yea ill try and do the profile as soon as i can and on another note i recruted 2 people for vokab and mine's squad their gamertags are RickyShazy890 and Soulka Tsu i told them to apply on the site and let me know once they do apply.
Re:spag1987 Welcome to CAG
<strong>spag1987 wrote:</strong>
ok yea ill try and do the profile as soon as i can and on another note i recruted 2 people for vokab and mine's squad their gamertags are RickyShazy890 and Soulka Tsu i told them to apply on the site and let me know once they do apply.
Ok good stuff dude! That is going to get you Ranked up as well. If they can't access the internet which I really doubt cuz they play xbox live lol. But if they can't just ask them for the following information.
1. Gamertag
2. Email Address
3. Date of birth
4. City and State
If I missed something just look at the recruit application. I am going to give you and Vokab access to the back end so you guys can also process applications. I will put together and instruction manual so you guys can start doing that too if you are interested.
So good stuff man on the recruiting! I see no reason why you and Vokab can't be Leaders in CAG, so lets keep the ball rollen'!
Re:Chaos I Theory Welcome to CAG
Thanks CheechDogg for the Welcome and bringing me aboard, appriciate it!
My real name is Chris, and Chaos I Theory is my XBL Gamertag. I've always loved playing the Splinter Cell games, and at the time I liked Chaos Theory and thought it would be a cool alias. I'm 24 years old and Single; loving every minute of it! ;)
Born and raised in Calgary, AB, Canada. Yes, I'm Canadian (here comes the jokes :P ). Right at the moment, I am a Construction Worker building residential homes. Syked to come home after work everyday, and play on my X-Box 360.
I have a few FPS Games and some RPG Games like Assassins Creed and Star Wars: Force Unleashed. Currently now, I just picked up my copy of Call of Duty Black Ops and playing that mostly.
Well I think that does it for introductions. This is my first clan, so please be gentle with me! Haha!! Can't wait to play some War-Games with other CAG Members.
See you guys out in the Battlefield!!
Re:Chaos I Theory Welcome to CAG
Hey once again welcome Chaos. So this is your 1st Clan huh? Well hopefully you feel right at home and you stick around for a long time. Hopefully we get together sometime this week and get some games in together to kick some ass!
When you get a chance take a look at our Roster. You will find everyone that is in CAG there. Their GTs are also there so it wont be hard to send friend requests to them. Off the bad You want to include the following:
NiiNJA v
These guys are very active playing almost every day and but for sure every week. When you go to the roster you will see everyone's Bio and some bit of information about them and their roles in the Clan.
So once again Chaos welcome to CAG. I prefer and would like for everyone to be as active as possible on the forums but it is not a requirement. It will help you however get a Higher Rank so keep that in mind.
Our rules and regulations will be changing in the next couple of days and weeks. Also our requirements to become a CAG Dogg as well. I will be home around 3:30 pm today so if you see me on we can probably get some games in. Till then my friend!
Re:Chaos I Theory Welcome to CAG
Oh by the way, you are a Maggot Recruit as you can already tell. You have a few ways to get Rank. The easiest is to have your forums post count above 100, if you do so you will automatically become a Private 1st Class. The 2nd is to recruit 2 Members. And the 3rd is to get your Rank by completing one of the 3 Weapons Qualification challenges.
Which one will you choose? We will all be watching!
Re:Chaos I Theory Welcome to CAG