Thanks MERZ, little busy to post. All the names
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Thanks MERZ, little busy to post. All the names
we should try to figure out as much as possible before Monday. i hate sitting around going "ok what mode what maps what dis what dat". i'll have work Tuesday and i'm not staying up until 2 AM because it was unorganized as fuck. now it's fine if that is the case but let it be known that i'll have to go to bed and may not even play if that happens.
that being said, what mode will we be playing? what maps? and what are rules?
Game mode and maps and that can be discussed, but there are 12 people on the list now. What happens when you pick teams and half the team can't make it. It throws the teams off. Just a thought. I know my work schedule is almost never on time. I always try and think in best case scenario but thus the curse of being on Salary.
they can be picked the night off when we're about to play and see how many people are in the server really. if more than 8 people show you obviously can't have everyone in a party.
let's say this, what did you guys play last time when there were 16? i think i saw? and where are those fraggednation rules you guys mentioned
We played Dom, but I think TDM, or CQ Small could be acceptable. Small skirm type maps.
This discussion is one of the reasons I was rooting for picking early, so we could agree on what, where, and how to play; as well as practice on said maps/modes for unit cohesion as a team that hasn't worked solely together before.
Pondered upon a rainy plateau, with a coal forge, and many dragon.
Fraggednation rules very oer tournament, but this is what I remember from a couple tourneys.
No exposives of any kind. If it goes Boom it's not allowed.
No MAVs, SUAV, UCAV, personal annoyance vehicles
No Scar H, Aek, Ak12, shotguns, certain DMRs
Only frag grenades, flashbang, smoke, flares. No other grenades allowed.
No Spawn beacons, tugs
Its basically reducing the game to simple guns, secondaries, and non ammo and health packs.
Even some pistols aren't allowed. There may be a rule for no DLC pistols. 93r is definitely out of the question.
The point is to show that you can compete and win with the bare minimum.
It also mean less tactical. No breaching entries, reconnaissance, medical, resupply, ECT...
If we play fraggednation I'm afraid I must redact my entry.
Pondered upon a rainy plateau, with a coal forge, and many dragon.
i think RPG's and C4 are fine, same with nades but MAV's and TUG's and beacon's have no place in 6's.
Scrim begins at 10 pm Eastern time
Ok guys here is the scoop. Me, HG, and Blame have been discussing and have come up with a rotation, rules, and team picking process. We are not going to please everyone with all this so we took everyone who is playing into consideration and just picked the necessary things so we can move forward.
Name of the server is "The Bear Cave". The password for the server for this week is "apples".
Best of 5. We have the server set up for the following rotation.
DOM Dawnbreaker
CQ Small Zavod 311
DOM Golmud Railway
CQ Small Hainan Resort
DOM Paracel Storm
For Domination no tugs, mav, decoy, suav, ucav, spawnbeacon, mortar , or C4.
For CQ Small no tugs, suav, or ucav.
For picking teams we will just go back and forth posts between Stain and Rainy. We'll have Stain make the first pick and then go back and forth. I'll message him to tell him to get started picking and I will message the server password and a little more information in a XBL message to everyone, so everyone knows what's going on.
We can discuss what we liked and didn't like from this week in this thread afterwards.
The point of getting all of this set up is so that come gameday we can all just party up, join server, and play.
Team Shake
1. Stain
2. HG (big suprise there)
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