Thanl you sir for accepting me. my name is sean any thing i need to know about clan matches or practices just message me and i will do.
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Thanl you sir for accepting me. my name is sean any thing i need to know about clan matches or practices just message me and i will do.
Welcome to CAG. Thanks for choosing CAG as your new Clan. All your questions can be first addressed to NiiNJA or IronAssassian. You can also post any questions here. Make sure you read the CAG Indoctrination Article so you can becoming an official member of CAG.
Welcome to the family man.
xKOWARDxKILLERX welcome to the Family. When you get a chance, post a little bit about yourself so we can all get to know you better. Did you watch the nuke?
Hey dude whats up man! I saw you registered so I wanted to welcome you. I am doing your application right now, so you should be ready to roll soon. Like I told you, I will show you how to run the site so you can Lead your own Team ok? When you have a chance post something about yourself so everyone gets to know you.
Ok so I just processed your application VoKaB1. Since you have your guys already I gave you the Rank of Lance Corporal which makes you a Fire-Team Leader! WOOHOOOOOOOOO!
ty,, my good friend is going to register his name is spag1987,, sorry about not bing able to play much last night, my connection was horrible. thanx for the promotion.. happy thanksgiving to the CAG family!!!
Welcome to CAG spag1987. I hope to play with you and VoKaB1 soon. CAG in the past has been a Tactful Clan first. We set up perimeters and defend from all sides with as little rushing and attacking from as as possible.
This year I hope to be a bit more aggressive and put together gameplans that will allow us to run around and still hold a perimeter. If we all put our thoughts together we can come up with a strategy that will be very hard to beat.
VoKaB1 will be your Team Leader. If you take a look at our Roster you will see how the Chain of Command is set up. Please learn it, if you want to Rank up in the Clan you can also find that out on our front page.
thanks cheech i would like to thank you guys for letting me in alongside my boy vokab1. just to let everyone know a little bit about my self i am 23 got married to my wife in 2009 while we were in the army i have a 6 month old son and currently going to collage and spent most my free time on the 360 if im not gettin yelled at to turn it off or getting the evil eye ( right vokab lmao) lol.
LMFAO the evil eye grrrrrrrr i hate it,, welcome aboard brotha,,, WATCH OUT FOR THE WIFE'S EVIL EYE!!!!