Hello Errbody. Just joined the clan yesterday. Im on the xbox one playing Battlefield 4. Send me a invite if anyone wants to play. My GT is xGunner07x Cant wait to get to know everyone! Hope to play with everyone soon!
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Hello Errbody. Just joined the clan yesterday. Im on the xbox one playing Battlefield 4. Send me a invite if anyone wants to play. My GT is xGunner07x Cant wait to get to know everyone! Hope to play with everyone soon!
Welcome!! Give me a add MoB Corleone352
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Sup guys, the names Kim. I'm not really good with intro's but what the hell right? Anyways, I live in Fort Wayne Indiana. I am a major gun enthusiast as well as a military brat. I come from a long line of military members past and present. Eventually I am going to follow in the steps of the majority of my family and enlist, but until then I'm going to "no life" on my game and visit the range everyday. I really like to keep to myself. I really don't speak unless I am spoken to (unless you just seem really fucking cool then I'll talk to you) But uhm...yeah if you have any questions at all feel free to ask, hit my line on Xbox my GT is the same thing as my user. Peace :)
Pleased to meet you and glad to have you guys on board.
We're good people here so kick your shoes off and make yourselves at home. :-)
I am 360 currently but looking to go xb1 in a couple months so I'll hit you up then.
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Hey y'all! I'm CJ from Georgia. Still hanging back on PS3 primarily Ghosts. I've been gaming FPS since Resistance and moved to World at War, my favorite CoD! Been a CoD fangirl since! I'm into a lot of sci-fi mainly Joss Whedon (Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Doghouse, etc.) Huge Spiderman fan, well really anything marvel. Any who any questions ask away!
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Welcome all new recruits welcome to the family
Hello guys my name I sean I'm from Michigan still hanging with the ps3 I play call of duty defiance gtaV and other various games I'm reddy for tryouts whenever I'm online and not doing school work
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Yay another ps3 player!
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Sup dudes. My name is Nathan, I was with one clan for a while for personal reasons and told them I'd like to come back later but they got mad and banned me for leaving. I play on the PS3, I play Ghosts, BF4, GTA V, Madden 25, Minecraft, a lot of stuff. I'm 19 and will be going to college soon to study law enforcement to be a police officer like my father was. My PSN name is Chunt_Funter if you wanna play sometime.
Hi all, not sure if im in the right place for hello's lol. But anyway , hello all, would love to join a game some time,
im on xbox 360 playing mainly call of duty ghosts, black ops, modern warfare.
gamertag is aTurbo1