Ok everyone the renewal for our site/forum's hosting is July 8th ... If anyone wants to help out please use the donate button ...
The total prize as always is $203.40 ... I will still go ahead and pay the full balance out of my own pocket but would really appreciate it if I got some help as well ...
So far there is $80 towards the hosting from donations so far ... thank you all in advance ..
I don't have much to dish out right now but where can I donate?
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Next pay date im hoping I can throw something down,I think its before the date for renewal.
Donated 20 and pmd you the info Cheech
I'll see what I can send next week ...
Thank you guys I appreciate it as always .... While I have no problem covering the I feel that if others help out with it our team chemistry shoots up and the clan's morale rises as well ... When others see people donating it's like a domino effect ... good shit you guys !!
I should be able to throw down by next week tuesday at the latest.
Can you confirm the following people have donated as they have requested the Reinforcement Medal
[unm]CAG xREAPERx[/unm]
I'm pretty sure they have
Charlie Delta Vet
I've actually donated twice (one's still pending) but the one I requested got confirmed within the "Tournament and Donations" forum section back in April. I believe it was at the bottom of page 19 in the "Donations" thread within that section. Reaper's confirmation is on page 20. I thought I had provided the correct link when I put in for it. Sorry if there's been confusion!
Here's the link, it's the 8th reply down: