Welcome to CAG bud
Sent from skull island
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Welcome to CAG bud
Sent from skull island
Cheechdog I recently resent in my application for the clan I am already in the elite clan and am currently stationed in the 3rd platoon in Jokeers fire team. So if you could put me on the roster I will be very grateful.
Just wanted to introduce myself . I am working on my marksman right now with Jooker and Rouge. A little about myself, Married with 3 kids, 1 girl and 2 boys. Big FPS player Black ops and Battlefield 3 or the only 2 I play right now. Some MineCraft with the kids :) been having a great time playing with you some of you so far. Besides Assault making had to get marksman LOL J/k :P... Look forward to becoming a member. I am off Sunday thur Tuesday, That's the times I am on most . Look forward to meeting you all Thanks, xOGSiLeNtShOtx
Welcome aboard!!! looking forward to meeting You!
Well i guess its my turn to introduce myself. My name is Logan i am 19 and currently working for a Sealing and Striping company so i work at nights and it being summer i work a lot due to it being hot and dry. I have been playing FPS games forever now. I started playing COD since COD 4 so i know my games lol. I do not like to lose and always win but you cant always win. My number Pet peeve is when somebody doesn't give there all during an important game. That drives me crazy shows me and the rest of the team you don't want to be here and participate to getting a win. My play style can change depending on the players on the other team but i mainly stick to OBJ and Slaying. Like i said before i do not like to lose so i play to win, i do not care about my K/D during a game as long as we get the win. I am very good at communicating and using my Callouts to my advantage for my teammates. I apologize for it being long but i thought i would just let everyone know lol.
-TrainedCrowd2 (Recruit)
Welcome to the family
You will realize it's more like a family here great people if you need anything let me know