Are you guys on 360 still
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Are you guys on 360 still
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I myself am and will be upgrading to Xbox 1 shortly too, talk to toxic Bob or Cheech Dogg
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Hey could you pm the games that this clan play
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Fucking hell ya
Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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Just bumping this thread as I'm receiving messages that people are being ignored,as it says in Cheechs first post it doesn't matter which rank or billet you hold a response is expected.
From my point it's common manners to reply to a message weather it be right away or weather it be a reply whenever you get the time and chance to do so.Not doing this comes across rude and gives people a bad impression and in turn my lead to people not wishing to game with you whatsoever.
Let's not forget we are all just common people that do have feelings and I should think some sort of respect or manners towards others with one thing in common,our love to game.
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Good point JB and thanks for bringing it up.
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Just a reminder... if u send me invites or messages... unless I look for them myself i don't see them pop up .... still haven't figured it out
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Bo3 Anyone
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