If you sent an invite I probably was just ghosting ... I stay logged on xbl for days at a time lol ... maybe start a thread here with your online status !!! LAME O !!!!!
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CAG QU33N are you ghosting? It doesn't show me that you're online.
I really gotta stop that shit....yea im on. Lol
THANK YOU !!! I haven't seen you online for shit !!! lol ... If I get online and you are not online ..OMG !!! I AM GOING TO DEMOTE THE WHOLE CLAN !!!
You wont do it.
You want bet? lol ....You are going to have over 300 members pretty pissed off at you lol ...
Queen get the fuck visible online.....lol
ok all please help me in welcoming our newest recruit to Alpha Company.
Rocky this recruit resides in amsterdam so his time zoning may be closer to yours please add him and get him goin on that marksman!
Request sent
If he's on close to my online times I can add him and help him out as well... I guess really I could add him either way lol
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When you guys connect with him online be sure to get him to find this thread and emphasize forum activity please.
He had some minor issues connecting with our clan so I promised I would make sure his transition into full membership would be as effortless as possible.
Oh and don't forget to use the new improved marksman thread format.
1-25-15 ( Date )*
15-4 (K/D ratio)
Stonehaven (Map)
CAG RE4PER (Full CAG member to confirm game)
2 of 5 ( Number of games towards marksman )*
Another Euro in the house!!!!!
PLease Welcome our newest recruit!
show em the ropes boys!!
ps i know i have been missing online, but that is cause the wife needed to be happy before i dive into wars...lol
se you all tonight around my usual time!!!!!
I got him!
lets continue to build this euro division boys!
ok guys....
his 2 weeks is up on monday march 2nd.. still no marksman thread started yet.. has anyone played with him?
his 2 weeks is up on tuesday march 3rd.... again no marksman thread... same question?
lastly one of the newer recruits
Bobbyj1245 ganertag: loco1006
everytime i try to add him on xbl i get this message
"Sorry, we are unable to add this friend at the moment. Try again in a while. You may also want to check your privacy settings."
anyone else had better luck?
I think I've seen the names, but don't recall ever playing with them or seeing them online.
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Negative to all 3, same problem as yourself, seems as if the gt don't exist
i was able to add domo and barnsey just not bobby.
i havnt played with any of them
New recruit on deck!
Sainty Trickz
Euros he hails from the island of Ireland so be sure to add him and get him started!
Look alive troops and welcome 2 more recruits to our barracks!
Zonda R3VO
Johan Kreig
Show em the ropes troops!
A reminder to my fireteam leaders, if sny recruits are at the end of their 2 weeks and are really trying and desrve one or are simply just asking for an extension.... i will most likely confer to yiur judgement as you're all my feet on the griund when it comes to getting these recruits on their way to completing their marksmans an such, but i would appreciate if you could connect with me before making any pronises to anyone...
Hey is anyone going to CoD tonight? I need some witnesses....
I'm getting on now.. Idk if blops2 or aw didn't try today.
Think I will have the chance to drop in tonight.
man hate to see i missed playing with the great soulseeker. ill have to get over my distaste for call of duty for a little bit so i can play with you
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He meant he might be on tonight quack so you haven't missed him yet!!!
last night EXE and I kicked ass in the Havoc TDM's, he managed to get a grenadier game in and i was sooo fucking close like every match at getting some Sharpshooters in...
Oh awesome I might be on tonight to play with him some then
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Instead of blops2 I am going to pick up AW today so I can learn a few tips from my fellow CAG doggs.
Then jump on blops2 later.
Downloading AW now. Will be up and running in about half an hour
was fun tonight man cant wait to get you used to these maps so we can start locking these areas down! ill be on tomorrow to play some more
i'm still looking for a Sponsor
for my Marksman
So somebody of the GOLF need to help me
Go to the golf forums, start a thread and communicate your challenges to you teammates,let them know what times you are online and ask who can be on when you are. If you still can't connect with anyone send a message on psn to your CoC and figure out how you can get started on your marksman.