Ok I knew this was coming so it all good do what "you" think is best. I just feel a slap in the face now, but you are the guy above me now. This is not like other game so that why I put it in place. This is a game about hit points not kills.
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Im sorry but i strongly disagree with this. Having the damage option balances out the req. Getting a kill in this game doesn't always mean u earned it. CoD and most first person shooters are mostly one shot one kill, this game is more complex and requires players sometimes to work together for a kill.
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I understand hit points are a part of the game silent and I am being very respectful of your point of view, do not make this exchange personal... I am leaving the decision to the masses as opposed to overruling you that is what "I" think is best, a collective opinion of tankers
The problem I have with hit points being a part of the proficiency medals is that they do not promote comms, strategy or teamwork.
Get a guy low on hp? Call it out to your recruit who (if tactics and comms are being used) should be close by... Notice other enemy tanks in trouble? Communicate it to your team, spot them. Direct their fire upon yourself and get your team flanking. Etc
Hit points? Meh, sit in s corner by yourself and pop shots at anything that moves
HELL this may just be my opinion, I get that but this is the exact reason "I" have opened it for debate to gauge other players opinions
If you feel like you are being slapped in the face then this is because you are taking it as a personal attack instead of taking yourself out of the box and looking in from an objective view
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Ok trust me you can't get that many hit points by just siting in a corner. Plus to get good hit points you have to be on the frontline of the battlefield unless you are a TD or arty . I play tier 8, 9, and 10's it sometime hard to get 1,500 hit point if theirs no team work. It takes one team mate to track then the other to hits. The game is all about team work since I've been playing it the past two years.
I'm not in any box trust I'm a grown man. I will never take anything personal about this cause trust it would be a different story no disrespect to I'm just being real. I just feel what I put in place is the best. Plus if you are making all the changes with out my input then what is the point of me being Platoon Commander. When we are in party's you never bring non of this stuff up. If we are the leadership for WoT we should be able to talk to one another about stuff.
This is essentially a new company and needs more input than just 2 guys calling the shots.
Speaking with you one on one does not solve the problem or open it up for discussion. It doesn't promote forum activity, post count or keep relevant players in the loop..
This final decision will be based upon the collective input of tank players. If not enough members show interest in this topic then the requirements will remain as they are. I'm not going to change something based on my opinion alone
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This is why it's taking so long for me to even work on the medals for this game. ..it's the same bs that happened with Destiny and Titanfall....
Sent From My cool air conditioned room
I opened it up for discussion because the medals weren't finalised..... If keeping them as they are will get them implemented sooner then I will happily drop my opinion and run with the original reqs.
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From an outside perspective I can see both sides of this.
Silent initially is happy to roll with what's there to generally give these new recruits that tanks have coming in something to view and work towards.
From Sprays point I feel that hes trying to accommodate everyone's view on what the best achievable proficiency awards would be within those of us that have been playing WoT.
I can see both views here.
What I will say though is that Silent and Spray,both you guys are avid fans of this addictive game and have shown the interest in leading/building the game into its own platoon and eventually company if it reaches company level.You guys are collectively the guys that work out what's best for the game surrounding requirements for awards and medals etc to be presented for change or addition.
Work together guys,it'll make the cogs greasier!