Hi guys,new to the clan, been in a few others. Play BF3, team player, ready to contribute and support team member on the battlefield.
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Hi guys,new to the clan, been in a few others. Play BF3, team player, ready to contribute and support team member on the battlefield.
Welcome Russian, planning on getting Halo 4 or Black Ops 2?
Hey all. Was browsing around from work looking for a good group to game with and stumbled across CAG. Looks like an awesome community! Sick site design and detail and the command structure and awards are awesome!
Anyway, have never been a competitive gamer but i'm wanting to get into it. Hopefully my noob skills can be hardened and you guys can help me git my boots in the mud!
I put my info in my profile if you want to know a bit about me.
Hello tommy and welcome to our forums. I remember playing with you yesterday because of your GT !
Well we are always recruiting, if you haven't done so please fill out a clan application from the Applications Forms link above. Once you have that done we can get you going.
Hey guys what's goin on! I'm Mjr Ruckus, a new applicant. I've got no clan experience whatsoever but like to play as a team! I've already had the privelidge of playing with one of you and looking forward to kicking some serious ass in the future with you guys. See you on the Battlefield (3).
How Do You Become A Member Of CAG?
hey everybody im Jesse or forsaken either one works. I am not new to gaming clans/ communities at all. i have over a year of gaming inside of gaming communities. But other than gaming i am an all outdoors guy. i hunt, fish camp and do all that good stuff since i live in Alaska currently. i also enjoy paintballing, bowling, and playing some pool. Currently i work at McDubs (McDonalds) just because its close by school and i be deep frying shiieet fer dayz. I got the buns that make your legs quake....NO HOMO :P
Im thinking about pursuing my career in the military most likely security forces in the air force or something army wise. Right now im an info management fight commander within my JROTC in high school which is the rank of first lieutenant so im pretty good with computers and responsibility.
I look forward to being in CAG and playing with all you guys! so send me a request or message and i will be sure to play with you one time or another
im impressed with you so far!
StormySGT ELIAS On Monday - Friday 8:10 A.M. - 10:A.M. Central Standard Time playing Battlefield will play with clan members MW3 and Black OPS 12. You add us you didn't think you were getting in that easy without doing any work did you. lol