I will be on in a few to start grinding out prestige since it's double XP double weapon XP weekend. Let me know if you wanna party it up hahaha!
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I will be on in a few to start grinding out prestige since it's double XP double weapon XP weekend. Let me know if you wanna party it up hahaha!
Ill be on here in about an hour!
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I'll be home in an hour
Cool we got a party up right now!
Nice! You guys doing core or HC?
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HC at the moment
I'm on now! Woot!
I'll be on tonight.
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Who's going to be on tonight ... i want to get some games on .....
I am boss man!
Early morning grind! Get y'all asses up, let's play :)
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Waking up slowly
I'm on now...invite!
I'll be on in about 30 minutes
Sorry about last night .... who's on ... send invite if you are on im watching a movie but I will get on this time
Hey guys, I'm new to CAG! Ill be on for the next hour or so if you want to send an invite!
I'm on now guys!
We should get another sesh going on in a bit. It's actually fun when we have a full party.
It was some good gaming going on ... I like this game better than AW ...
I'll be on again around 7 central time. :)
I'll be getting on in about 20 mins!
Full squad gaming at its finest!!! Akedes was killing I can never get a kill with this guy around smh
However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. - SH
I'll be on in 30 min if anyone wants to roll.
It was great and lots of fun gaming with all of you yesterday ...but I did see some little things that I didn't really agree with ...
I will give you all the perfect example .. We were going into a game against a "possible" clan and xCandiiReddx said something like "what are these people" and I said "looks like a clan good shit" ... all the veteran members know how I feel about going up against other clans ...
Anyways, we started off the game with some difficulties ... there was a lot of confusion and no order at all ... I had to tell that to settle down and wait for them to come to us ... we were actually boxed in the computer room and succeeded in holding them off and winning the game ..
CAG never gives up and never doubts that they will win ... CAG has prided itself on teamwork and disciplined setup and holding off the other team ...
I understand we had some non-clan members so expecting them to play our style was a little too much to expect .... but they did work with us as a team and we pulled off some very good victories that most other squads would of lost because of no discipline or teamwork ..
I very rarely play with players who are "runners" and I am strictly a "CAMPER" ... I "will" make exceptions like I did yesterday due to the circumstances I stated above ... but I will expect for the group who plays with me on a consistent basis to set up and defend a certain place on each map and make the enemy come to them ...
CAG doesn't turn corners and doesn't cross the 50 yard line which is the halfway point of a map .. there is never 2 people in the same location and everyone is responsible and expected to cover a certain area and never look away from the avenue of approach i that area ..
You have to trust your team-mates that they will do their job so you can do yours ... never look away that one second you look away is time enough to turn the tables and throw everything off ...
I will be looking for squad leaders and "ONE" Platoon Sergeant to put together what locations on each map everyone is responsible for ... If anyone is interested in these roles "Billets" let me know ... I already see very good qualities from some of you and the forum activity needed for such "billets" ..
I might play again today but most definitely during the week ... I want to see a full squad that is organized .. disciplined and 100% confident that they will always win as long as they work as a team ...
So any takers? A full squad of 6 to 8 to always have someone ready to go ...
I will award this squad with prizes ranging from games to headsets and maybe even xbox1's and ps4's for reaching certain requirements and goals that I will set for you guys ..in other words I will basically "SPONSOR" you guys
An example ....
For winning 100 games I might give everyone in that squad xbox live gift cards to buy dlc .. or xbox controllers or headsets ...
I will also be holding raffles for weekly giveways ...
I would like to see several squads that will compete against each other for awards, medals and even prizes ....
It's up to you all to determine how much I will do for you guys and give away for gaming as a "CLAN" !!!!
Cheech, sorry you felt that way. But we weren't only with CAG MEMEBRS and the question was a joke between my other friends because I stayed in a game with try hard a few games before that and they told me I should've backed out. Had absolutely nothing to do with my faith in myself and CAG. :) Also , if we want to play tactical we do need to get a group of just us. We had people playing that I know won't set up. They are runners. Nevertheless I had a great time playing with y'all.
You did catch the part below right ?
I never once questioned your faith in yourself or CAG ... I said "CAG never gives up and never doubts that they will win ... CAG has prided itself on teamwork and disciplined setup and holding off the other team ..."
That statement was in general to let everyone know what CAG as a whole has, is and always will be .... take it as a motivational speech and nothing else ... as the leader of CAG it is my duty to always give you guys positive reinforcement regardless of how brutally honest it might be ... just like I point out weaknesses I will also point out and give credit for the great work you guys do and will continue to do as long as you guys buy into CAG's system ...
The last recruiting campaign was not very successful ... the CAG ways were not emphasized enough and were most definitely not enforced and expected ... That lack of commitment by all of us in leadership was an error "CAG" will "NEVER" again make ...
CAG has to stay true to it's ways which is what made CAG what it is ...
So xCandiiReddx do you accept this challenge to help out CAG ?
Ok xCandiiReddx ... so you and Digita1Pulse really impressed me with how you both played yesterday ... as Lance Corporals you both can put together your own squads to get things rolling ... let's see what both of you can do ok? I would recommend for you guys to not always play in party chat and stay in game chat so that you guys can interact with other players who are communicating and gain possible recruits ... sound good?
I'll step up to the plate, Cheech. I've already placed foxholes on my maps that I posted a few weeks back. Just doing a little tweaking and adjustments to new locations that I've found beneficial. As a former Grunt, I still have the tactical knowledge and expertise.
I used to run and gun before but found that very unpredictable. From the very few times playing with Ghost and Xerxx, I feel I found my old play style when I took I long COD hiatus.
Let me know, thanks in advance!
About to hop on, anyone else playing?