Zulu Squad Euro Division training.... everyone welcome!
ok guys, so after the poor attendance on thursday I'm not too hopeful for today's training but I'm gonna push on anyway! As it's a Saturday, I'm hopeful people will be more free and can perhaps make the demands of the time zone difference!
I'm going to schedule training for 10:00 PM GMT.... which equates to 5:00 PM PST I'm lead to believe! Please answer to this topic if you can make it and it would be useful if you could put your preferred fighting class so I have an idea of what to assign to people!
Thanks guys and see you on the battlefield!
Re: Zulu Squad Euro Division training.... everyone welcome!
Hey Bro
I unfortunately do not go off duty till around 6PM and it takes me right around an hour to get home with the paperwork and stuff.
I will check and see if anybody is on after I get home and if You guys are still at it I will join right in..
Support or Engineer ( I LOVE THESE EFFIN MORTARS!)
Re: Zulu Squad Euro Division training.... everyone welcome!
silva don't get discouraged with poor attendance right now. There are so many reasons people are not attending or are available right now and some include flat out frustration with this game.
I Myself am very frustrated with BF3 and now with MW3 as well. The last update on MW3 completely fucked up the original feel the game had when it first came out.
I have also noticed a different feel on BF3 with the last update they had too. Right now I am fucking busy with work and jumping in a game which I had a totally different feel for now that the new updates are out is going to make me get a damn "STROKE".
Re: Zulu Squad Euro Division training.... everyone welcome!
I will do my best to be on. I'll most probably be there, rather than not be there. The gf comes home from work around that time and she's been on my back about spending time together and stuff.
Just to clarify the time zone differences with Silva. 10pm GMT would be 5pm EST (GMT-5) and 2pm PST (GMT-8).