Zulu Squad, European Division Commencing Operations
What's up guys
After talks with my co leader of the European Division, we have decided to go with creating 2 squads (a squad each) to fill the initial division. Obviously judging on the success of our recruiting etc we may have to expand as and when is necessary!
I am therefore pleased to announce the formation of Zulu Squad for BF3 operations Euro division, with yours truly (silva228) acting as leader. Zulu squad will be an All Purpose Infantry Fighting Squad, meaning we will be trained both in the art of general offence and general defence. We shall be fluid, often moving between both duties as and when is required by battlefield circumstances. As a general ethos, we shall take an objective, consolidate position and set up a perimeter before moving out to the next objective .In a secondary role, we may be deployed to provide close ground support for Armour divisions, ensuring that tanks are not picked off by anti tank infantry or defences to take objectives
As an All Purpose Squad, Zulu, will have to accommodate all aspects of combat, therefore we will have a variety of classes... we will NOT however deploy the Recon class as I want my squad to take an active front line duty instead of sitting back like pussys counting the kill death ratio- if this sounds like you, look elsewhere my friend, you WILL be getting your hands dirty with your fellow squad members in zulu. Starting configurations will be as follows:
[li]2 Assault, 1 Support, 1 Engineer[/li]
[li]2 Assault, 2 Engineer[/li]
[li]3 Assault, 1 Support[/li]
[li]1 Assault, 1 Support, 2 Engineer[/li]
In nearly every case The first 2 will be used, however depending on vehicular involvement the second two may be deployed, this decision will be made by squad leader and that is FINAL
Training Times
As Tuesday and Thursday have been chosen as our Primary BF3 days, I will alternate my squad training time in order to allow BF3 to be enjoyed nearly every night, Initial Training days will be set at MONDAY and SATURDAY, times TBC
Thats all for now folks, remember training times will be set in GMT and may therefore be a bit difficult for clan members across the pond to attend, this DOESN'T meant you will be unable to play with us and be a squad member if available for selection!
Happy Gaming Guys
Silva OUT
Re: Zulu Squad, European Division Commencing Operations
I seriously am eager to see how this works out silva! Have you guys been hitting any european or british websites that geared towards or target BF3?
I know that european gamers are tough and I think you guys will do a great job with this Unit. Let me know how "I" can help you guys get the word out more. Maybe we should publish a nice long article on the front page announcing the expansion of CAG to Europe?
By publishing an article, any european games who are searching for a UK or Euro Clan on BF3 will see our site on their results.
So let me know and we can work on the article or I will let you guys type it up and I will publish what ever it is you guys write up.
Re: Zulu Squad, European Division Commencing Operations
Cheech, I will sort out a draft article to send you tomorrow if you want? you can have a look over to see if it's ok and then put the finished product up?
Ket, if you initially deal with the battlelog forum that would be great but if you need any help or it gets to big give me a shout and I will come over, I'll also keep an eye on things anyway and chip in if you're not around after you give me the forum link :)