So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
As the title says, played both now, obviously not a lot but my initial impressions are that the COD campaign, as usual is absolutely brilliant! destroys BF3 hands down in this area but this wasn't a massive surprise imo.
Multiplayer? completely different story, BF3 destroys MW3! there just doesn't seem to be no rhyme or reason to it in MW3, you just run around till you find someone and shoot- no tactics, nothing! BF3 however has just completely nailed it in terms of making the perfect multiplayer experience. This is just my thoughts anyway....
What does everyone else think? how are you guys finding both campaigns? do you agree on MW3 or think I'm well wide of the mark!
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
I played MW3 for 5 minutes and got up to rank 3, then I shot IRON a message asking if he had any space on his squad. And it was BF3 the rest of the night.
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
Well today I spent all morning and most of the afternoon on MW3. Everyone that knows me knows how much I hate COD games. But I have to be honest here you guys and so here it goes.
From the day the Beta came out I fell in love with BF3. I have no seen a game play so damn good in terms of hit detection, tactics, objectives, teamwork and have a fun factor that you are just like wow.
BF3 without a doubt has raised the bar for multiplayer by 200% in my opinion. In COD games I never played objective games. In BF3 you just simply can not neglect and overlook the objective modes. If you haven't played RUSH or Conquest on BF3 then you are just not getting your money's worth.
The hit detection in BF3 is without a doubt the best of "ANY" shooting game, 1st or 3rd person out there. The fact that bullet drop was taken into account is just impressive. You need to have good composure when shooting long range in this game. Unlike MW3 where the bullets will never drop and anyone can be an "Elite Sniper", in BF3 you have to know where to aim to get that kill.
Being able to use vehicles as good as you can in BF3 is another bright spot for the game. If one squad communicates like they should during a game, that one squad can easily dominate the enemy. Being able to spot and mark the enemy especially for a good pilot either on the jets or choppers is a huge plus and a difference maker. Being able to count on your "ACE PILOT" to knock out a tank or that pesky chopper does so much for you team, its absolutely necessary to have at least one "ACE" in the air.
Multiplayer in BF3 is what MP should be like in every shooter. Even the best of squads can be countered with great communication. The weapons are pretty well balanced making the playing field very equal. The fact that "PERKS" are not part of BF3 make the game much more realistic. When you run into another Platoon and they play tactful like you do, you can't help but immerse yourself even more so.
The Cons are few but very frustrating, much so that they leave a sour taste in your mouth. After paying the game for a whole week, I came to a very sad conclusion about BF3. Those "ASSHOLES" at DICE really do not care about the customer. EA and Dice now have your money and they could care less if you complain to them now. For the PC Community they are bending over backwards because it is so easy to patch and accommodate PC gamers unlike console ones.
The 360 and PS3 Communities and its players are stuck with a broken game, a game that its Developer (DICE) said would be the "MW3 Killer" and which it falls short of doing just that.
Playing a game with your "CLAN" squad is the most frustrating and difficult thing to do in BF3. Keep in mind that the game has the feature of "squading up" in the lobby to put together a squad of four players to jump in a game together. Dice emphasizes "SQUAD PLAY" so much but yet the squad system is more broken than a 2 year old's three foot lego man after you kicked the shit out of it when you saw it standing up just to make him cry and that is exactly what DICE has done here.
Not only is the Squad feature broken, but also the communication system is a disaster. There is an option during a game to activate squad only communication or the whole team. Yet with a full squad of four with everyone having their working headsets, it is impossible to communicate with your squad during a game unless you are in a private chat. This brings up another serious problem, being in a private party keeps you from communicating with the other squads if you choose "team" to communicate with.
Another aspect of the game which is clearly flawed is the ability to use sand bags, solid rocks and even a tank or other vehicle as cover. I can not count how many times I was behind a solid rock, completely behind cover and still I got killed by an array of bullets going through the 3 ton boulder or a tank. The hit detection in this is actually to good for "it's" own good. I should not be getting killed when I am behind a 3 ton boulder or a tank. That just doesn't happen!
Another huge flaw is the fact that you shoot someone in the with a sniper rifle only to see them run away, get behind cover, shoot randomly at your direction only to get hit by one bullet and you get killed by a miracle of a "headshot".
Straight off the bat, the best part of MW3 is the fact that you can actually jump into a game with your whole team, squad or clan. You don't have to sit for half an hour while the game has an open spot so that you or your friends can jump into the game only to find out that you are on the other side.
You don't have to worry about getting the silent treatment from your team during games. Just that alone and being able to "SQUAD UP" like BF3 so surely guarantees it can do too makes MW3 the better game of the two.
Being able to create your own lobbies and theater mode adds another dimension to serious Clans once again. Theater mode allows you to use it as an evaluation for you Clan. You can use it as a training tool as well. Not only that, but you can use it for Video Montages for your Clan on YouTube!
MW3 still frustrates the shit out of me! The fact that the hit detection is the same as it was back in MW is just evidence of how lazy Infinity and Treyarch really are. It has been well over 3 years and they just can not get it right. It maybe because they are not dedicated servers that the game is so bad when it comes to hit detection and lag, nevertheless MW3 falls way short in this category.
And probably the worst of all the cons in MW3, those damn "PERKS". In real life there are no "PERKS", its simple as that. If games like SOCOM, GHOST RECON, RAINBOW 6 and BF3 don't use perks, then why does MW3 use them?
Well its simple, MW3 is meant for "ANYONE" to just pick up and play. Even a 6 year old after 2-3 weeks of playing the game can become a "BEAST". Where is the fun in running around, pre-firing around corners praying to hit what ever if anything is around that corner. Where is the fun in shooting clearly across the map with not only your sniper rifle, but a damn MP7 or a G36 and sniping someone? Where is the fun in "QUICK SCOPING" someone even after Infinity Ward said this was no longer possible?
There is just no fun in doing any of the aforementioned my Friends. If you combined BF3 and MW3 and put both of their "PROS" and did away with both of their "CONS", you would have the perfect game.
But we have to remember, "I" have to remember that this is only a video game. I can not expect everyone to play "TACTFULLY" and as close to real life as possible. For that we have the Military in real life. Some asshole has 38 kills and 25 deaths and he calls himself a "BEAST". You get 17 kills and 0 deaths or 25 kills and 5 deaths and you are called a "CAMPER".
I play each shooting game as close to real life as possible. I am not going to run around and let you shoot me. I am not going to worry about my 6 when I have my "DOGGS" with me, I am going to trust that "YOU" will always have my back and we are going to get the shit done! I am going to let "YOU" run around like a dumbass only to hear you cry after the game and call me a "FUCKING CAMPER".
Yes its fun for me to play "TACTFUL", "camping" to you assholes. Yes it is fun sitting in one spot the whole game while you move from left to right , right to left , top to bottom and bottom to top right into my Iron sights or my Scope's cross hairs. It's fun having you run back only to get shot again and again while I laugh away.
So there you have it guys, my impressions about the games. Unfortunately and with a lot of hesitance, I have to give the edge right now to MW3. If BF3 can fix the squading up system, BF3 will clearly be the winner this year. MW3 has nothing on BF3 except that it allows you to "SQUAD IT UP" with your Clan or friends.
Here are some other scores:
BF3 = 9
MW3 = 7
Graphics & Environment
BF3 = 10
MW3 = 8
BF3 = 9
MW3 = 8.5
Fun Factor:
BF3 = 10
MW3 = 9
BF3 = 9.5
MW3 = 8.1
My winner? BF3!
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
Great review cheech mate! agree with more or less everything you said. I think it's important to note that if dice and EA get it together with sorting out the squadding up system- BF3 would be an awesome clan game... until then it'll be difficult as you said and MW3 will obviously have the advantage!
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
MW3 is getting mixed reviews. Players have spotted buildings that had a copy/past job from the original MW and they're not too happy about being charged full game price for a game that had to enlist many overtime hours from its employees copying and pasting 24/7.
I think CoD is an awesome game honestly but it's the way the game conducts business that has turned me off. The game has remained relatively unchanged over the years and I think it's ridiculous that every year a $60+tx refresh is shipped out with a minimum of 4 DLC packs worth about $15 each. On top of that, the number of maps released with the game have declined over the years. It's just overly expensive for what it is. I think Activision should look at Valve's example of Half-Life 2 and what they released as episodes instead of full priced games. I feel like I'm being charged $15 for bottled water at some snobby restaurant.
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
I completely agree VENOM, just like I told some of the guys last night, MW3 is a 65 dollar map pack. The game is just like MW2, sure it has some new weapons and shit, but the game is still the same.
But I rather play a game in which I can bring along my whole Clan and have 6 vs 6 of all the Clan instead of being in a game where you end up on different teams and you have to be in a private party to communicate.
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
Guys I think we're being a little unfair on MW3 here! you may be looking at it from a solely multiplayer point of view, but a game consists of the whole package, multiplayer AND single player. As much as I think videogames are way overpriced, the singleplayer campaign on it's own would give me reason to have bought MW3. I do agree with multiplayer though.... to be honest I don't think they've done nearly enough to upgrade it from previous editions and it is a major gripe!
What we've also failed to mention is the spec ops, which having read up on, look pretty awesome and there has been some innovation here, I promised a cousin I wouldn't play it till I go up to scotland to see him in a few weeks thought so can't really say much more than that!
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
Could have released the campaigns as episodes like Valve's Half-Life, but I've been eyeing SpecOps like crazy.
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
We should play spec ops some time venom, we can be ironic and bitch about MW3 while actually playing it :P
Re: So I've played both BF3 and MW3 and.....
I rarely play the campaigns anymore. I use to play the campaigns until they all started giving you less control of your squad.
The best campaigns were the old Rainbow 6 and Socom games. You could issue orders to each member of your squad or to all at once.
Now you have to fucking follow what the damn game wants you to do because of all this bullshit cinematics they have added to the games. I honestly could give a rats ass how pretty a game is, give me gameplay and total control instead.
That is why I only grade games on multiplayer, since you only play the campaigns in about 4-6 hours.