BF3 Review and a little self critique
I have found that I am in love with BF3. Today while moving through cover I found that when I shot through foliage the leaves reacted to the round passing through it. I also found when Sniping I had to actually account for bullet drop and lead a moving footmobile. I also liked how it was not always one shot one kill. I found however if you did pull off a head shot it was instant much like it would be in Real life.
I liked that I was able to be revived after going down and I also liked that I was able to resupply My teammates with ammo. This is not a game that you can do well as a runner and gunner. You absolutely have to work as a team or you will not stay alive long.
Now for the Self Critique.
I found that I tend to gravitate more toward Engineer and Support more so than assault and sniper.
However I am no stranger to sniping and found that I am fairly decent at it.
One thing I am having trouble with is seperating the cowboys from the indians I am certain that this will get better as time progresses.
One thing that I did find out was that One Squad of four people can in fact win an entire match if they know what they are doing. Myself and Cheech ran a hell of an offense and Defense With a few others while all the others were running around like a Chicken with their head cut off.
I think You will enjoy battlefield 3 Its definately worth the money to pick it up
Re: BF3 Review and a little self critique
Hey IV I had trouble with he cowboys and Indians cause I was always trying to figure out who is that then BAM I get one in the head. Than I started shooting at anything I wasn't sure of since Ididn't get a ribbon 4 most team kills I guesse it don't register team kills.
Your squad did good yesterday because you all worked together not like every body else that was running around on there own looking for there kills. Did you know that suppresion fire temporarly slows the tangos down /blinds them and gives you points for that you dont even have to get a kill so keep them pinned down that is good if you like support gunner class and I like that I can choose to accept soe body reviving me so as to not be in the middle of a fire fight instantly.
Re: BF3 Review and a little self critique
The only issues I see are the fact that you can't always get your Party or squad on the same team and in the same squad on the game. Other than that I like it so far there has been minimal lag that I've seen.
Re: BF3 Review and a little self critique
Yeah Snappin..its a pain in the ass.....hopefully they fix that