Attentions all xboxlive CAG MEMBERS
Im going to be hosting a Hardcore FREE FOR ALL TOURNAMENT. Right now I need you to sign up for it there are 15 slots. This TOURNY is only for official CAG MEMBERS, so all you new recruits if you want to get down make sure you hit the killing fields with a cert. squad leader or above to verify your Marksman. I will post details and the date when i have a full room of definate contestants. This will be run like your trying for your badges. No explosives and no lethal killstreaks straight skill son. So, Bring your A GAME. the winner of this epic TOURNY will recieve 1600 microsoft points for his or her VICTORY.
to SIGN UP copy and paste just the text below, adding your gamertag. See you in the trenches!
Re:Attentions all xboxlive CAG MEMBERS
CAG CheechDogg
CAG StewieShotU
Re:Attentions all xboxlive CAG MEMBERS
I'm down for this, do you want to have like a small entry fee like a buck or so, so the money ain't coming straight outta your pocket?
Re:Attentions all xboxlive CAG MEMBERS
Re:Attentions all xboxlive CAG MEMBERS
This one No REAPER this one is all me, the next one depending on the outcome and the way people play and treat the whole tourny. we can maybe have a buck entry fee to the website. Like everyone throw a dollar into the money raised goal. again this is something we will have to discuss further on down the road, but for now its on me good luck.
Re:Attentions all xboxlive CAG MEMBERS
I'm in if that's okay with Cheech.