Jigsaw Wants To Rejoin
hello everyone,
I have decided to pick up gaming again, with that being said I hate playing alone and thought why not rejoin CAG. I was here a long time again back in the call of duty ghost days playing with guys like covieleader and gypsyOutlaw. Only problem with me returning is that I am no longer on xbox, but on PS4 playing black ops 3. If I am welcome back let me know and I would be glad to do anything needed to rejoin.
happy hunting,
So I went back to look at your history with CAG and I have some questions and concerns ...
- You were a big time "CORE" player ... is that the only mode you play still?
- You were also big on "Game Battles" ... is that still something that will keep you from staying in CAG again?
- You didn't like it that we had inactive members doing clan wars .... are you going to decide to leave if something like that happens again?
I remember a few of the convos we had on the forums and even went back like I said to refresh my memory Jigsaw ... you were 18 then and you are now 20 if not 21 correct?
If you can learn to trust your leadership and just do what you are asked to do then you should be fine and I won't have a problem with you coming back. ...
I didn't see anything really that would disqualify you from coming back ..you didn't leave in bad terms so if you think you can just follow the rules and let your leadership do their jobs then you are more than welcomed back ..
All you need to do now is fill out another clan application and we will go from there ....
We have people on the PS 4 now which would be me CAG_Parch CAG_Patron and several others that cna get you going
Hey man welcome back to the site. I don't believe I was around when you were on Xbox. May I ask when/what lead to you leaving CAG before?
I am not terribly into game battles anymore. More of just a casual laid back gamer now. I am still a huge CORE player and dislike hardcore more than enough and No I will not leave do to inactive people. I am 21 years of age now and the reason I left was because school and work got in the way of me having fun, but now that I only work weekends it makes it easier to game
CAG_PARCH got you man, just add me up
I don't know how many "core" players they have on the PS4 division but that will be up to you to figure out with everyone who plays there already ...thank you for answering my questions ...
It's been great to game with you Jigsaw. Glad you decided to come back and play with us.
Glad you came back Jigsaw!!