Gears of War 4 Beta
I have been playing the GoW 4 beta and it has been fun. When I heard this game is coming out, I was a little skeptical since the multiplayer for Judgement was not the best. I hope the campaign is as good as the multiplayer has been in this game. The gnasher has feeling pretty good. It feels like the shotgun is from Gears of war 3, in my opinion. The new power weapon, dropshot, is exciting to use and pretty much the opposite from the digger. The movement in this game is from Gears of war 2, but in a Gears of War 4 style. The FPS (frames per second) have been pretty consistent on my end and every now and then I would get lag out from a game. With that said, it is a beta so have some patience with it.
I have played it and its noticeable that gears 4 is going to be consistent.I still play the ultimate edition of gears and I see a lot of similarity between it and the GoW4 Beta.