PLAN B's 3 Marksman & 3 Sharpshooter VIDEOS
I have up 3 Marksman Videos names as 1st, 2nd, 3rd. I also got 3 Sharpshooter Videos named as 1st ss, 2nd ss, 3rd ss. Hopefully i can get my last two ss this weekend =D
Thanks guys!
Having a blast with CaG!
CAG Plan B
PS im pretty sure there all legit!
Re:PLAN B's 3 Marksman & 3 Sharpshooter VIDEOS
Welcome to CAG, you are now officially a DOGG, good work, i'll have you updated on the site within the next hour.
For those sharpshooters, if you would be able to make a new thread just for those sharpshooters that would be great. i'm going to check those three files now, so whenever you get that thread up i will post in there.
Re:PLAN B's 3 Marksman & 3 Sharpshooter VIDEOS
good freaken job man! thanks for updating us and I want to also officially welcome you as a CAG Dogg. Welcome to the Pack!!
Re:PLAN B's 3 Marksman & 3 Sharpshooter VIDEOS
SAWEET! NO THANK YOU! I love this clan. lol today logging on i was like wtf i cant get on so after 3mins i realize you guys fixed the name and put in CAG instead of AOD. =) saweeet! Anyways last nite i freakin sucked it up trying to get my last 2 sharpshooters. what a bad night. haha. See you guys later today! Thanks again everyone! =D
Re:PLAN B's 3 Marksman & 3 Sharpshooter VIDEOS
CAG PLAN B wrote:
trying to get my last 2 sharpshooters
dont forget to make a new thread for your sharpshooters so that they'll count!
Re:PLAN B's 3 Marksman & 3 Sharpshooter VIDEOS
K i will once i get them all.