Warning: Infractions, Guideline Must Read !
This is a global clan warning that applies to all members of CAG.
Lately I have been sending out game invites and messages to several members with no response back. Doesn't matter if you are just a clan member or an Officer from this point on if you do not respond back with a valid reason as to why you can not accept a game invite or respond to a message on xbl you will receive the following:
- Failure to respond to a message within a 15 minute will result in 2 infraction points
- Not accepting a game invite without a valid reason will result in 2 infraction points
- Leaving a game lobby without saying a word will result in 3 infraction points
- Rage quitting during a game will result in 3 infraction points
From this point on everyone will only be allowed 10 points every 60 days. If any member receives 10 points or more within a 60 day period it will result in removal from CAG no exceptions. No one is exempt from this rule.
I will be updating this thread with more information regarding other violations.
Everyone must read this post and acknowledge that they have read and completely understand and agree with it by giving it a "Fucking Hell Yeah". If I see your username in the list of members who have read this thread and you have not giving it a "Fucking Hell Yeah" you will receive 3 infraction points.