Football Season is Months Away
Like many sports fans I hate down time. When the season is over I'm elated if my team(s) did well and devastated if they did poorly. For example this last season 2015-2016 my Boise State Broncos were not there. They ended the season 9-4. Their loss to BYU wasn't expected but prepared for as the Cougars are generally a tough team, albeit a dirty one. The losses to Utah State, New Mexico, and Air Force were wholly unexpected. I was very pleased to see the Broncos DESTROY the Northern Illinois University Huskies at the Poinsettia Bowl 55-7.
I hope that Head Coach Bryan Harsin can whip the Broncos into shape, we may be able to see an awesome season in 2016-2017.
Sorry for the rant. How well do you think your teams fared? What would you have liked to see different, what needs improvement, and what can you expect from the future?