Kids And Military History
Today I met a Kid playing that used a GT that I knew the History behind and he only knew the movie Character. I wanted to tell him more about the Soldier and him and his friends mocked me. I became upset and told them I was offended. Not because they thought I was lying or they thought it was BS, but because they didn't have the decency to just hear my Story. A story of the History of a fallen Hero a fellow Veteran and a member of my Units History. Instead of getting upset in a Game. I left those players. Whom I don't know, but 2 I did that didn't speek. Tactful 2......
It really upsets me that Teachers today don't Teach more Military History to Kids and Instill the values of Americanism. A Trait that many no longer permote in our Nation. I find it hard to call us a United States, because the only groups I find United any longer, are our Military. Where the Values of Brotherhood, Comrodery and Americanism still live strong.
Why I write this here instead of forgetting about it, is that today I held the 11th District Oritorucal Contest for the American Legion at my Post as Commander. Where we permote Americanism. I met there, Two young future Leaders of our Nation. One that won the Contest. We donated money to. To motivate that young Man to carry the Torch on within the Contest and to be a future Leader of our great Nation as he grows and possibly becomes a fellow Veteran or a good President of our States and Unites us as a People or fights for our Nation's Freedom. Freedom to tell a 20 year Combat Veteran with 3 Tours in Combat, 2 Purple Hearts and more damn Ribbons than most Officers I have ever seen that my story was BS to him. It's a Obamanation......
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