Requesting Medals YOURSELF!
Hello CAG Family,
I need to address an issue that keeps happening when requesting medals. I will post the medals you can request yourself and the medals you can not. Failure to follow this direction and requesting medals that you are not allowed to will result in your games being VOID! General rule, if it does not have request then they can not request it yourself. There are exceptions to this this rule. Please read the following.
Medals you CAN request yourself:
1. Any Service Medal (1 Month Service Ribbon)
2.Reinforcement Medal
3. Any Good Conduct Medal (Good Conduct Medal)
4. Unit Leader's Medal
5. Any Military Veteran Medal (CAG U.S. Army)
6. Any Game Veteran Medal (CAG MW3 Veteran)
7. CAG Hispanic Assaultman
8. CAG White Boy Assaultman
9. CAG NWA Assaultman
10. Any Prestige Medal (COD: Black Ops 3 1st Prestige)
Medals you can NOT request yourself:
1. Dogg Ribbon
2. CAG's Medal of Honor
3. Medals you earn as a team (Combat Action Medal, Tactical Precision Team Medal)
4. Ones that Leadership recommend (Dogg Pack Medal)
5. CAG Charlie Delta Defense Squad Medal (Only CAG Cheechdogg can give this)
6. ANY Weapon Badges (CAG Brigade Marksman's Medal, Marksman's Badge, Pistol Marksman's Badge, ETC)
7. Any Billet (0311: Rifleman, 0351: Assaultman)
8. Any Battlefield Medal
Again, if you request a medal that you are not allowed to request, your games for that medal will be VOIDED. If you are not sure if you can request a specific medal then chances are you are not. You can also ask your Chain of Command!