Recruit here online now looking for lobby for black ops 3 ps4. Same name. I play core usually.
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Recruit here online now looking for lobby for black ops 3 ps4. Same name. I play core usually.
What time are you about buddy
Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
I might still be on but might be hopping off been playing all day heh
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OK buddy if ur on il give u a shout and jump in a couple of games with you. What are you playing at the moment. Tdm, domination, hardpoint etc
Sent from my SM-G925F using Tapatalk
Make sure to get him in the community you have set up
Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk
I usually play core TDM, dom, kill confirmed.I just dont have the patience for hardcore. I am just now sort of getting into the groove of things (on my first fresh restart) and would like to play with members to have a chance at the verification games. How many are on Ps4?
We try to get you in party to help you mate but sure if you are on we can run some core with ya
Thanks but your usually in hardcore..
I think what Huxley is saying here JPull is that him and the guys are happy enough to play core to help you out.