Do not post anything on Twitter or on top100clans.com about other clans who are talking shit about CAG..i don't do it so neither should anyone else. ..we have nothing to prove to anyone or anything to apologize for or anything to defend. ...WE ARE CAG simple as that! !
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I so wanted to but I wont drop to that level
just gonna sit back and laugh at they dumb asses cryin like babies over something they say does not matter any way
I dropped to that level, but i deleted it. I hate whining
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I did the same parch,I actually found it hilarious that they want to waste time doing that.
I wouldn't drop to that level as far as I'm aware CAG are number 1 no matter wat anyone says we are best clan out there and we have nothing to prove coz we proved it for so many years CAG IS MY FAMILY MY FRIEND AND I PROUD TO SAY IM CAG
Stooping to that level doesn't make us equal to them, it makes us worse!
Hella funny to watch em bitch though.
If they stand up, put them back down.