tom clan y rainbow six seize is a open beta on ps4 don't know if xbox have it
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tom clan y rainbow six seize is a open beta on ps4 don't know if xbox have it
I've never played a rainbow six game so all new to me but I hear it's a big thing so I've downloaded the beta
It is on the Xbox. Open beta across all platforms. Really a freaking great game. I love it!
well I'll have to get it on 360 aswell
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I dont think Siege supported 360 or PS3. Not 100% sure but I think I read or heard that somewhere.
I seen on Twitter a little while ago that said Servers are ready to go. Had tp Fix connection issues for PS4 and now correcting Xbox One
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I'll join you lot tomorrow on it as watching film then bed me thinks to tired for COD AND RAINBOW SIX SEIGE
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I wont be able to game until tomorrow maybe even till thursday ..i already have all utilities and my internet hooked up at my new apartment but I wont be moving all my shit till tomorrow morning after I get off of work ..i then have to unpack and get everything situated and in place ... But as soon as I get everything going I will jump on the beta !!!