This is were to post all your Hate Mail you get while playing COD!!
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This is were to post all your Hate Mail you get while playing COD!!
Got my first hate mail. Lls
Gay ass campers
Lucky cross the map war machine kill!
Notice the final score. That's 2 clans doing epic camping
A blood stain turns orange after you wash it but that's normal right?
I really hope that's a hockey score
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Ow this thread will get very large remind me to screenshot.
So I just got called a Womble from the lovely clan EVERYONE hates XGN! When I googled Womble I got called a fictional, pointed noise character. I then watched a video on it. Is this an insult or did he just hit on me?
Lol wombles a very british cartoon
So I think he hitting on me?
Unless you look like a pointed brown nosed mouse type creature I wouldn't think so lol
HAHAHAHAHAHA! Classic. I love messing with XGN people.