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There's nowhere to really post pics or talk about it without starting a new thread so use this!
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I think this should of went in the Black Ops series section located here. Could be wrong though.
But as far as my thoughts go, currently loving this game. Maybe its because I'm playing absolutely amazing at the moment. Here are my stats:
SPM - 302
K/D - 2.27
W/L - 2.27
All my stats are steadily rising, and all done in core TDM (will start playing HC soon).
Mine less brilliant but still not bad
SPM - 243
K/D - 1.71
W/L -1.02
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Yeah I get about a 1.8/2.0+ most games I just had to get used to the while thrusters. I never got into AW cus I hated them in that version (jumping over buildings and shit lol) had about 3 hours into that game in total. I like that they've reduced it so it's a nice balence now.
Hopefully a 2.0 by Christmas.. That's the goal
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Yeah I could never get into AW either. The first few hours I was fine with the game. But after about 10 hours, I was done with the game. First Call of Duty I never prestiged once in.
Lol yeah. I went back to ghost after that.. Was on that game right up to the bo3 release.
I know people used to hate but I didn't think it was that bad and hopefully they make it into a series.. ghost 2 and make that series a realistic one instead of just moving further into this "modern" era of cod.
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Lol I remember I got AW quite later maybe a month or two after release. Jumped straight into a TDM ONLINE and BANG everyone flying around. I don't even know the names of the AW maps I played so little. Well the thing that did it for me that made me say that's it for that game was that map that looked like a little village with all the white walls (vague description I just know how to describe it lol) I was at the bottom of the map and upon doug I watched the kill cam. Some guy jumped 50 foot from the top of the map and landed perfectly behind me and stabbed me. That game THAT FUCKING GAME MAN. Even the campaign was a bag of dick.
Not a big fan of exo suits as you can tell.
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Upon dying*
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