Anyone down for some carnage? I'm trying to make progress on my Expert Badge. I will be on for a while tonight playing Tomb Raider waiting on Hardliners. If anyone wants to get down, gimme a shout in Party.
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Anyone down for some carnage? I'm trying to make progress on my Expert Badge. I will be on for a while tonight playing Tomb Raider waiting on Hardliners. If anyone wants to get down, gimme a shout in Party.
Slack!! I invited you and you ignored me :/
I was downloading, away from the console. I came back and it said you were on 14 minutes ago! I yelled at the tv! If I'm on, I don't ignore invites or messages ever so If you hit me up and I dont react immediately, I'm AFK, so to speak.
I will be on tonight for some games if your not too tired and have to go to bed or something lame like that
lol. I'm getting on in a few minutes and can be a big boy tonight and stay up late!
Once the wife and baby are asleep I will be in
Add me up x_hydra87_x im looking to join in some PWNAGE! i play on the ps4 though
Yeah sorry Hydra, this is the Xbox Branch. PS4 has a different section though, you might be able to find some guys over there, I'm not sure how active their community is. Worst case scenario, ditch PSN and come over with us!
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My trigger finger is always itching