Any New Recruits Or Members Wanting Some COD:AW Medals Let Me Know!!
For any and all members and recruits:
I play solely on the XB1 Console and usually am found online a majority of the Afternoon/Evening/Late night for every time zone in America since I live in Alaska. So if you want to get your Marksman, Sharpshooter, Expert or other medals/awards MAKE SURE TO ADD ME ON XBL, GT: ARCTIK KLuTCH and I will assist you every day on getting you where you want to be. I will also do what I can to get any other members on playing for you Charlie/Delta Tryout Seekers. I don't mind watching your backs and giving you call outs on enemy to get the kills you need. I play a lot of objective (Domination) so my K/D doesn't matter to me as much as my Captures/Defends do. Look forward to playing with you all and getting some awards or medals knocked out!!