after a long journey ive finally come to the end of the american heavy line the T110E5 is now n my line up and ready for battle
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after a long journey ive finally come to the end of the american heavy line the T110E5 is now n my line up and ready for battle
congrats, i was grinding to the is-7 as and when i can get on the 360 but have recently realised after getting as far as kv-1s that the is-7 is probably a lost cause due to not being a great tier 10 heavy :(
working a different line now. gonna be a grind
For a good heavy line the Americans the Germans and the is4 line are goof
Sent from Ted E. Clubberlang
Is the US and USSR the best end game tanks in this game as well? I know the final few in war thunder are - due to the sloped armor all around where as most German tanks have more flat spots and thus easier to penetrate.
Sent from inside you. Deep inside you.
Depends on play style. Russians have big ass guns that are inaccurate. Americans are good all around but nothing spectacular. Germans have big guns and armor but accurate
Sent from Ted E. Clubberlang
As to armor Russian heavy is harder to pen the hull but I usually pen hatches or bottom plates
Sent from Ted E. Clubberlang
i like the T110E5, its not much different from the M103. though its maneuverability makes it very formidable in battle.
The only ten I really want is the jag100 and the t62a
Sent from Ted E. Clubberlang
ive almost got the T92 and would really like the WT auf E 100 or Jg.Pz. E-100 both have their own strengths
Wt is for punks
Sent from Ted E. Clubberlang