Do you guys think we should keep the damage option on the medals instead of it being pure kill based?
yes or no
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Do you guys think we should keep the damage option on the medals instead of it being pure kill based?
yes or no
Yes. I've seen to many times where I have pulled 2K in damages with no kills because some prick sits back in the fight and waits to steal the kill. On the flip side, I've been that prick also. Point being is why not have a damage award and a kill one. Both are different play styles
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With out a doubt. Make one for marksman and the other for sharpshooter. That way they have to learn both styles. Imagine having to get 1K damage with no kills allowed. Now that takes skill of picking your targets and type of ammo.
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As a person who has played WoT, keep it damage based. Kills is only going to limit the people who can complete it.
Sent from inside you. Deep inside you.
I think this is a no brainer do to people being able to take you're kills with out a doubt. It is mostly a hit point type of game style and kills are just extra. The game is based on xp on how much hit points you get and getting kills don't really get you much. This is my into put and why I made the requirements that so recruits aren't just stuck not being able to get those kills with people stealing them a way.
Maybe do a separate set of medals with straight kill requirements?
Sent from inside you. Deep inside you.
Maybe make medals specific to a country. Like German iron cross or American Silver star etc
Sent from Ted E. Clubberlang
yes i agree with silent kills r stolen to easily