Yall Saw That Titanfa..i Mean Blops3 Multiplayer Reveal!!!??
Lets face it.. that wall running looks just like titan fall lol but other than that its faster paste than regular cod...but not like aw....thank god... i think its managable...dont know till i try it thou...i think that dude that goes back in time is op. For those who dont know now there are 4 or five diferent characters you can choose for multiplayer...theres the brute tht we see that can do a powerful land after a jump. The hunter who can either snipe or take out the bow and arrow.. the teleporter dude and the robot who can spawn a fucking death machine out of nowhere!!! Now thkse abilities can used after like a sort of kill -streak or performing speacial task. If you die you lose the ability. What i took from the reveil was people died...fast.. theres no extreeme boost jumping like aw but there is some.. no tubes...yet. and i see powerful weapons. I pray theres not .."elite" variants. Not super exited but im looking foward to the beta. What about you guys??