Old Gamertag mcowans86
New gamertag CAG Villian
(Spelt the bloody word wrong but I'm not paying another $10 to change it agn)
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Old Gamertag mcowans86
New gamertag CAG Villian
(Spelt the bloody word wrong but I'm not paying another $10 to change it agn)
I always said I'd change it once I was in the clan wars roster, was in my last clan all the way through blops 2 and ghost and only switched because they were ps3 so it's not like I'm going to hop clans anytime soon, might as well represent :)
Sorry for the delay ...username has been updated ...
Thanx cheech, does that affect my login credentials? as I'm having trouble logging in on tapatalk
Yh I'm in now, literally just woke up so tried to login and thought it had gone skewey on me, then forgot the space in my name, all good
Oh spray I'll be hitting u up for some bf later, spent all yday decorating my bedroom but fancy smashing a bit if ur up for it
sure man, just throw me an xbl message when you are ready and ill let you know what im doing
Will do mate